
My girlfriend from Boston has insisted that we're seeing the movie… Even though I'm not really interested.

I'm confused by the premise of the comment. What about Broad City? Just that Hillary was on it? Like, if Buress was complaining about Trump's cameo in Home Alone, that would be a comparable reference. The WWE stuff with Trump isn't.

Fast Food Nation made me want McDonald's. It doesn't matter what an ad or whatever is saying, if it makes you think of something you otherwise like you're going to want that thing.

There's an AMC near me with $6 tickets to everything. Don't even need discount theaters.

We read America's Women as summer reading for my AP U.S. History class in high school. My teacher was a male, for the record. Obviously I didn't think about it at the time, not in terms of the reading list anyway, but it's hard to overstate the importance of good teaching.

Sure, but then you have to get into the reasons why they hated Hillary, and I'm not sure you come out the other side feeling any better. In many cases, it's some mix of misogyny, conspiracy theory, and a general lack of interest in reality. I don't think she's was a particularly good candidate, nor do I think she has

I want to believe that. I also feel like all current evidence suggests that the majority (an electoral majority, anyway) wants to be led by know-nothing bullies that promise everything and deliver nothing, simply because "change."

The far-left at least gives some sort of response. They may just double-down on what they said in the first place without any further evidence, but they don't just tweet five emojis and ignore the entire argument. But it goes without saying that extremists of any type do not handle resistance well. If they thought

Ahh yes, they're all the same anyway. An argument that never gets old.

You could just use your copy of The Circle as fertilizer because it is 100% pure shit.

Saying these people should just be ignored or not debated ignores the current media landscape. If you ignore them, they're going to continue to thrive anyway without being challenged by anyone. They're going to fight against straw men and their followers will eat it up without ever even seeing an alternate viewpoint.

In general, I've never found Reddit to be quite as predictable as people portray it to be. It definitely leans libertarian/anti-establishment, but every position is pretty well-represented.

The only political posts I ever see on the front page of Reddit are anti-Trump. I don't recall ever changing my settings about what I see. Maybe I did and don't remember. I don't look at /r/all.

Meanwhile, statistics show it is the seventh most-visited website in the US. Facebook is third, Twitter is eighth. They're not going anywhere.

Oh, I don't know, how about that it really doesn't fucking matter what people are into sexually with other consenting adults, and it has no bearing on their non-sexual identity? Because that's an answer. More than that, it's the correct answer.

I clicked on that link and he specifically mentions the use of "gay" as an insult as a comparable situation.

Cotton, for example.

From what I've gathered, it varies pretty significantly, like most fetishes. Race is part of it for some people, not part of it for other people.

Didn't you mean "modern cuck journalist?"

He knows the impending hyperinflation will render that judgment useless.