
I don't rewatch shows very often. Or rewatch movies or reread books, for that matter. There's so much I haven't seen or read in the first place. The only exceptions are usually comedies that are in syndication or comedy movies that show up on TV a lot. I've probably seen every episode of Parks and Rec at least three

I think that's incorrect. He's pathologically incapable of giving credit to anyone he takes advice from. His positions on issues seem to fluctuate depending on who the last person he talked to was.

I don't agree with any of the criticism of 538 in this post. First, whatever the algorithm, it's beholden to the actual polls. Polling might be outdated, but 538 did the best job with the data provided because they gave Trump a solid chance. Second, the national polls actually were pretty close based on Clinton's

I haven't watched either of the Cars movies despite liking both racing and Pixar movies because they've got a worse reputation than the rest of Pixar's catalog. Your comment has intrigued me though. It seems to me that what you're saying is that Cars 2 keeps the surface-level, kid-friendly plot, but where it falls

I guess they're collector items, but I bought a full SNES system on eBay earlier this year for $60.

I didn't even use article.

I think you're referring to Jeff Zucker, the walking definition of "wasn't such a great idea." He hired Trump for The Apprentice. He was the major player behind Leno/Conan. He practically destroyed NBC and was paid a huge amount of money to go away when Comcast acquired it.

I don't jump all over GJI like some commenters, but seriously. You're reporting on memes. By the time there are enough to compile in an article like this the meme is already past expiration date.

It feels like it has been around much longer than that too. I would have guessed like 2009 or 2010. But they wouldn't have had enough material for those 35 seasons.

Can we just stick to Biden memes? They're peak meme.

I never finished reading them as a kid, so I read them all after finishing the bar exam last year. They're all great, but I preferred the first four.

The book version is incredibly violent even discounting the times Voldemort was trying to kill Harry.

Unlikely. Everyone knows nerds have excellent coordination.*

One time in college, I was at practice for my real sport* and there was a quidditch game occurring a couple of fields over. At some point they all stopped playing, and then eventually an ambulance showed up. So I can confirm that quidditch is some serious shit.

Point differential matters in the final tables, presumably. If you know you can't catch up it's best to lose by as little as possible.

In congressional negotiations, yes. Not in a campaign where their scare tactics will make you lose. That's what a candidate like Bernie is supposed to be for, to move the discussion while the less radical candidate still wins. It just didn't work this time for a myriad of reasons.

The problem is that if the Democrats propose universal healthcare, Republicans will utilize the easy-to-understand messaging of just screaming "SOCIALISM TAXES DEATH PANELS LARGE GOVERNMENT EUROPE." They were able to convince people that those words described Obamacare.

Biden would have been good. There was some pushback when people started saying that over the summer, but I'm not saying he would have been a perfect candidate. He has some less-than-ideal statements and positions in his past too. But he's relatively centrist, most people don't hate him, and he appeals to the white

A centrist candidate that everyone on the right hadn't already hated for 30 years would have been the best bet. Between Hillary and Sanders, in hindsight, it was probably Sanders.

Having checked your comment history, it's unsurprising that your reading comprehension skills aren't strong enough to understand that, if anything, my comment was closer to your position than his comment was.