
In mainstream representations, Batman tends to intercede while crimes are still happening and/or only fights against supervillians intent on destroying at least an entire city. The concepts are comparable, but I'm not sure it's a perfect match given scale.


Denial, n.; disbelief in the existence or reality of a thing.

So, denial.


Knope also got recalled because "normal" people didn't like her.

This show seemed like it got quite a bit of attention, more than The Nightly Show. Kind of surprised it got canceled, even given Comedy Central's reputation.

Within this single discussion thread I'm being accused of being both too optimistic and not optimistic enough. So that's fun.

If Trump really does pick from the names that have been floated, the shift from Bush to Obama was nothing compared to what this will be. Palin as Secretary of the Interior? Carson for Education? Christie as Secretary of State?

Your definition of realistic is a synonym of hopeless and also wrong.

That is just as ridiculous a response as when Trump and Republicans say he conclusively won. He lost the popular vote. He was buoyed by states overvalued by the electoral college like Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas. He lost handily amongst young voters and minority voters, both of which will continue to have

Be optimistic. What else happened yesterday? Major anti-Trump rallies across the country. People fighting back against the actions shown in those tweets.

I'm not underestimating anything. And even assuming that you're right and there's no reason for, as an example, illegal immigrants to be optimistic, the idea that other people should not express optimism about the ability to change the country in the future is also complete bullshit. And that's the gist of the comment

I'm sorry, but optimism is never limited to anyone and that's a complete bullshit statement. There are reasons to be concerned, worried, or afraid. There are also reasons to be optimistic about the future, for everyone.

It's difficult, but when you have both houses of Congress and the people you're considering to fill those secretary positions are absolutely committed to their position, it's not impossible.

I feel bad for the career bureaucrats who are going to have to go through the shift from Obama's policies and appointees to Trump's. How do you think EPA employees are feeling right now? Department of Education employees?

There are many layers to that question. For now, I would say no because an election result is not equivalent to 3,000 people dying. It just isn't.

Thanksgiving 2020*

We had a mock election in 2000 when I was in fifth grade. Bush and Gore tied. I voted Gore, but I can't claim to have had strong liberal feelings at the time. I just thought the vice president deserved to be president.

Hell, those are some of the best names of the people he's considering…