
That makes you a downright fascist, not even a commie.

He's losing to one of the least popular major candidates ever and has the highest unfavorability rating of any major presidential candidate ever. Bad press has eroded his support amongst Republicans, which may be what keeps him from winning. The pure amount of press he got could have helped him in the primary, but he

Especially when you run a candidate you know everyone hates, fairly or not, practically unopposed.

And I think you're wrong, commie.

I'm not sure that's actually true though. If he had apologized for some stuff but maintained most of his platform, if it can even be called that, the people voting for him now would have stayed and some of the alienated Republicans may not have left.

You're right, it can be hard to get in something serious amongst all the references. So I just wanted to tell you I'm a big quitter too, and I quit.

Hey someone should write an article about this phenomenon.

It's almost like that's the point the article is making.

Except those headlines weren't made up lies, even accounting for a paper's slant, and those people readily admitted they weren't actually informed. And no one had to see their misinformed opinions.

Yeah, I watched it and I can't think of a more awkward interview on any late night show ever. Nothing went right about it other than when Gibson was actually explaining the inspiration for Hacksaw Ridge. Colbert was trying, but Gibson clearly didn't want to get into the past at all and didn't even seem to want to

I was once waiting in line for a rental car at the airport in El Paso. The guy in front of me said to the employee: "I'm in Texas. Where's a good place to get a chicken fried steak?" The employee paused for a second, then said "Cracker Barrel."

His best speech yet.

And societally, that's the best-case scenario. But it doesn't make it any more appealing if your kid is one of the first classes, particularly if they're young and at the most important point in their development.

There's even leftover time to acquit domestic terrorists!

Honestly, she seems somewhat clueless in general. She invested in mutual funds and, like most people, probably hasn't taken a real deep look into what they're investing in as long as the return is good. So I'm not willing to say she's a phony, she just couldn't withstand any of the scrutiny given to real candidates.

I think it's often this. The black kids in my school were largely (although not entirely) bussed in from the city. They lived in a different neighborhood and had different experiences than the white kids, not to mention the hassle of being bussed in itself. I think the bussing program ended after I left, so I assume

100% of which actually survive in private collections.

You should be good, that's the suggested use for a crock pot.

He still probably couldn't get a sit down with a lot of people, but now it's because they know who he is whereas before it was because they didn't know who he was.

Like most Trump messages, it's a little unclear. In his most recent tweets, he has been focusing on the media. But in his speeches he's telling people to go watch polling places to prevent voter fraud. He also recently tweeted about voter fraud, earlier today I think.