As I remember, he didn't mind Tom using his government job to promote Snake Juice. And he was in favor of Sweetums providing water and sugar bars on a government contract.
As I remember, he didn't mind Tom using his government job to promote Snake Juice. And he was in favor of Sweetums providing water and sugar bars on a government contract.
Thankfully Trump supporters hate political correctness, so they understand.
I can see a certain rich frat boy handsomeness in old pictures of him, but now he's just a fat, disgusting old man.
Some sort of balance has to be restored to this sort of stuff eventually, right? In 20 years or less, how many people will be running for office that don't have an extensive online history? You can delete some of it, but people will invariably forget about all of the random places they've posted over the course of…
Why didn't they have to go through Trump's "extreme vetting" beforehand to determine if they were, in fact, undecided?
Like most Twitter trends, it was probably a few people who said it and then a bunch of people talking about the people who said it, which just reinforces the trend. Every time I look at some controversial conservative hashtag, the popular tweets are like 95% people saying it's stupid.
It comes down to one of your other comments. If there's a big party realignment, then you switch. Otherwise I think you try to turn the party around from within. Most Republicans, even the good ones, buy in to at least some big part of the platform, whether economic or social. They wouldn't fit as a Democrat unless…
The first time I saw a DC license plate, I wasn't sure it was real.
It would permanently alienate part of their base and the voters from the party they switched to would also be doubtful of them. And it would look like pure political opportunism.
I understand there are a lot of options, but if bragging about sexual assault doesn't make your top 20, I question your scoring criteria.
Ehh, it flared up then, but they've been using that language forever. It makes perfect rhetorical sense when all you want is to return to 1960 [1860?]
Of note, Paul Ryan has distanced himself from Trump's comments and made it clear he thinks Trump will lose, but he did not rescind his endorsement.
To repeat what I said on another article, the vast majority of Republican politicians are still supporting him. As in, even this tape IN ADDITION TO everything else didn't sway them. Maybe they should be targeted, not the ones who finally did the right thing.
Better late than never. It would be good to remember that the vast majority of Republican politicians are still supporting him. I'd rather continue targeting them.
Especially since, at that point, the logic of voting for the supposed "lesser evil" over a third-party if you're a hardcore Republican falls apart. There's no reason to vote Trump over Johnson or whoever because Trump also has no chance of winning. So you're just voting Trump because you actually agree with him or…
Are we not still concerned about the Russians?
Yeah, but a lot of merely good movies are massively overhyped after their initial screenings and festival appearances.
In a vacuum, I would want to see this as it is apparently a pretty good, although not great, historical drama. When deciding what art to consume, I try to avoid the political surroundings and just see what I think I'll like unless those surroundings are so conspicous as to be unavoidable.
I'm willing to concede the last point, but I think it's fair to assume that "the rapist" encompasses all aspects of what happened.
There is some validity in this, in that it's pretty obvious at this point that some people online immediately jump to rape and death threats over any level of disagreement. It's just the default insult. Very rarely does anything actually happen, which means they're empty threats, and most people know this, including…