
It's almost like it was play on this exact type of thing.

Colbert's was satire. Watters's was… something else. I don't know how to define something that isn't actually humorous. Also, "no one had a problem with it?" There wasn't an entire #cancelcolbert thing?

And the "beef" is actually dog.

I don't know. Starting a new big-box retailer right now doesn't seem like a sound business plan. And people do know the name… as a failed company that they preferred Best Buy to. Or as the company that used "Just What I Needed" in their commercials for about three years.

But will it break before you even get your rebate back?

I still go to B&N for new releases, since I want to make sure I get a nice copy and avoid the risk of shipping damage. My books look unread even after I read them. I'll also go there for classics that are already cheap, and their store-brand classics are pretty good quality. Anything beyond that, I use my Amazon Prime

Borders never did that. They may have pushed their rewards card, but that's because you really should have had their rewards card. It was free and you got 25% off coupons every week and the rewards built up ridiculously quickly. You could work up to an entirely free book in like a month and a half, all with everything

It's not that I don't want top-line electronics and video games anymore, it's just that there are other things I also want and otherwise need that seem more important.

Gander Mountain, but that was two years ago. So it was empty for quite a while. It may have had a Halloween store a few years during the fall.

That wasn't the specific question he was asking though. They also stop black people more often. So he was asking, once you account for being stopped more, do they also disproportionately shoot black people compared to others who are stopped. If they don't, as in, if they shoot everyone who gets stopped at the same

I think that's an overstatement, but if you have actually done something then you absolutely should not talk to them. It's amazing how many people who are actually guilty talk to the police or consent to a search. Presumably they think it makes them look less guilty if they consent, but it doesn't work. Or they think

They do disproportionately stop black men, but I'm not sure there has been a good analysis of the second step. My guess would be that both are true—they disproportionately stop black men, and disproportionately shoot the black men that they stop.

I don't go to 538 that much, but I follow him on Twitter, which is basically just a daily series of tweets saying everyone who assumes Clinton will win is an idiot that is ignoring contrary evidence that it's actually close.

Nate Silver says it's a close race, at least based on the pre-debate polls. Other pollsters say it has been remarkably static with Clinton leading by about 4%. Despite constant complaints, I don't think Silver has ever shown an ideological slant in his polling and he's usually right.

I'm not going to watch it because I'll learn nothing notable about either candidate and I'll just get angry. In 2008 and 2012, I could at least expect some sort of substantive discussion, even if the debates weren't what they should have been. I don't see how this year's aren't a circus.

But not too far south, I assure you.

Colbert played nice with Trump early in the year, but that was still a much different context than where we're at now, when Trump isn't just a primary candidate that everyone still thought would either lose somehow or quit. In contrast to Fallon, Colbert was tone perfect in his monologue tonight.

I'm going to need some consideration if you want that deal to be binding.

The Snopes article timeline acknowledges the emails discussed in the Politifact article and goes earlier than that.