
"Increasingly international in scope?" Top Gear went everywhere. They did some of their more basic segments around Britain, but most if not all episodes had segments filmed in other countries, if not on other continents. Plus the special travel episodes.

Fallon has chosen his identity, and it is to be a happy, bland idiot. And that is apparently what people want.

Yes. The thing is, if you played word association, "Hitler" would make people think "Holocaust," not "fascism." That isn't a good comparator to Trump. "Mussolini" would probably make people think "who?" But still, his brand of fascism is much closer to Trump.

But they also said that she did not have a health issue. The problem isn't that they covered Trump's rumor-mongering, because they should be covering what he says. The problem is that no matter what facts or evidence they referenced to show he wasn't right, people who support Trump thought they were being biased. The

I couldn't dislike Trump more than I do, but I still think the Hitler comparison is incorrect and ultimately does a disservice to everyone who wants him to lose. He has fascistic tendencies, but that alone does not make him Hitler. Hitler means a concerted and organized effort to eliminate an entire group of people

I agree. There are actually plenty of media outlets calling out his lies, and that stuff is all over social media too. The media has also largely been clear that Trump is worse, even if some individual headlines try to come across as right down the middle. It's not a secret and it's not hard information to find.

Also, charitable donations. He claims to have made them but no one can find any evidence of them. Anything that can prove his lies is not irrelevant.

And give them a very bad infection.

The media organizations that do react appropriately are called out as biased and people seemingly believe that. We've entered a time where people don't think news sources are ever supposed to take a side on anything, they're just supposed to regurgitate the facts. "Today, Donald Trump said President Obama was born in

I don't think that he'll change what he does anyway. The ratings say everything he needs to know. And despite the fact that none of us know who the hell his supporters are, Trump has made this a close race again. And those faceless drones that fill his voter base are the exact same faceless drones that tune into The

You just wrote 20,000 words to try to argue against something I never said. The article suggests that the statement "I agree with your goals but not with your methods" is necessarily wrong and will be forever, but it's not. It's wrong in this case. Did you read beyond the first sentence I wrote? I at least skimmed

When I try to parse out the reasoning of the criticism, I just need a nap. The closest I've gotten to describing it is "our country is the greatest because of our rights and values, but if you want to exercise those rights or values, GET THE FUCK OUT."

To be fair, saying "I agree with your goals but not with your method" is not a per se unreasonable or wrong argument. The point is that the method here is totally fine. It's a peaceful protest through speech and action. That's exactly the type of protest that should be encouraged by everyone who says they believe in

Fuck you, asshole.

I don't know, I like the promos. But FX does do understated promos in general.

The commercials really just make me think "Louie, except with Pamela Adlon as Louie." Which really isn't a bad place to start, especially with Louie itself on an indefinite/permanent hiatus. Plus, the show had gotten a little weaker, so it may be a good time to restart with a different character and perspective but

Well, he's falling up. It may still be tasteless but that's at least worth noting if you weren't aware of it at all.

The front of that bus was "real America."

The stereotypical Redditor is a very small portion of actual Reddit users. Most stay within a few particular subreddits about their interests and the large majority of the top posts are harmless GIFs or vaguely irritating /r/GetMotivated advice that people somehow think is deep. For the most part, you only have to

I've read the Hollywood Reporter comments on a couple of occasions and it's practically Breitbart over there.