
The problem arises from our obsessive need to categorize and define. By needing to label every point on the scale, they're still stuck in the same basic mindset that underlies traditional binary genders.

I actually don't think your standard-issue Reddit anti-SJW crowd will have a huge issue with Loving. They don't generally mind recognizing historical advancement, it fits into their narrative that there's not much else to fix anymore. In my experience, they tend to be your Colbertesque "I don't see color" types rather

My only complaint about orange juice is it occasionally tastes different for no apparent reason. Doesn't matter how much I shake it. Doesn't matter how old it is. Sometimes it just tastes bad and sometimes it doesn't. I assume it's something about my taste buds, but I don't know why it exclusively affects orange

It seems to be marketed in much the same way as Louie. It's not shown to be explicitly funny, and Louie isn't always that funny. I know it's a lazy comparison, but I have somewhat similar expectations for this show.

It sounds like a hard show to describe, so as much as ever, the only answer is probably to watch it yourself and decide if it's funny.

Kaeparnick won the race anti-lottery as someone who looks both black and vaguely Middle Eastern. But hey, at least he's getting support from other black athletes like Rodney Harrison.

I have never watched this show, but I'm confident that middle-aged, white, Midwestern America, which I assume is the core demographic, is going to love Hinchcliffe. Great guy that no one knows because IndyCar isn't that big.

I'm listed as very liberal (Great Job, Internet!) and I haven't seen any Bernie action figures. What the hell?

He failed on the ineffective assistance claims you posted in your other post. I mean, if you're going to post that and give it as the reason you should at least read it first. Particularly true if you're going to sarcastically call someone else a brilliant legal mind. The government won their appeal for resentencing

Three different people have stated three different reasons why his counsel was ineffective in response to this post alone. The article from The Daily Beast that most people seem to be getting their information from does not say that was the reason, it was because she illegally recorded phone calls that were used as

Jet fuel can't melt you memory!

But judge, this district court case from Guam is directly on-point…

Don't forget 9/11 Truthers.

I didn't intend for it to be condescending, but I also don't care if it came off that way. People who reach their conclusions based solely on the subject matter, whichever side they fall on, are deserving of condescension. The same is true of people who deny obvious complexity, which exists even within the more

I mean, yes. I think it is certainly more complicated than that, although I think someone could reasonably reach the conclusion that they want to ignore the art.

You probably wouldn't know if the painter you hired was a rapist though, especially if he wasn't convicted. But I think your implied point was that you would never knowingly hire someone who was a rapist, which makes complete sense.

Being confused and reaching a personal conclusion on the issue are not mutually exclusive. That was, if not an explicit point of the post, a strong subtext which should have been drawn out by my further posts in this comment thread.

"Reasonable doubt" to make someone a convicted felon and put them in jail does not need to be the same standard as "do I want to support this guy's work."

I think the point of my post is that I don't know where to draw the line. I'm not comfortable saying everyone who has been accused of something horrible should have their work shunned and ignored for the rest of their life. Some cases are easier than others (Cosby) where what the person did was so awful, so extensive,

I don't think more people would respond by thinking the accuser was lying, I agree. Although I also don't know anyone against gay rights or gun control or abortion rights and somehow those are still major political issues, so I don't doubt that there are plenty of people who would immediately jump to "lying."