
There's a little bit of revisionist history in this post… First, Oliver's show was on by that point, but it only airs once a week and it's on HBO, so it's not really directly competitive with The Nightly Show beyond the fact that they both are comedy shows about current events. Second, Bee's show started over a year

I already said everything I had to say about this show in the post about it getting canceled.

Interested to see where this goes given that racial issues and sexual assault issues are the two biggest things on the internet right now. How will the Tumblrites balance the message of the movie with who made it given that the position otherwise seems to be to completely shut out anyone who has been accused/convicted

And if your only evidence is he said/she said, there's almost always reasonable doubt because of how high of a standard it is. Technically, saying I believe him/her more isn't enough. You have to believe one of them almost entirely and the other one practically not at all.

Same is true of lawyers. Crushing debt and 60 hour work weeks, hard to believe anyone would have a problem with that.

That's how my job is. We have a quota system. You meet your quota at 40 hours a week? Great job! You don't? Better work more hours then. But I don't know how other jobs work and our quotas can be reasonably met by working 40 hours a week (not necessarily every production period, but most.) If you're setting ridiculous

Maybe it's just the accent, but I actually found this guy to be listenable and entertaining rather than deeply, deeply annoying like most YouTube video commenters.

Yes. In fact they should have just made him the host instead of canceling the show.

Alternately, only really hardcore fans will even know it was delayed anyway, so why not do whatever you need to in order to set up the marketing? I actively like The Shins and had no idea they had a new album coming out. Had I not seen this post I would've just assumed it was due to come out in January all along.

That's less than three years (barely) for each release. Actually seems pretty standard these days.

"Black Twitter" is not a very big demographic. I never saw any of Wilmore's stuff anywhere else except for a couple of segments over the entire course of the show.

Plus, the thing about buying the $2,000 car is that you end up having to make $1,000+ repairs that you can't plan for and which will probably end up on a credit card with a much higher rate than any car loan.

I wanted an angry black man and all you gave me was Larry Wilmore!

So they put him on CNN.

If you're a comedy show about the news, you have to say something people are intrigued by, whether they agree or disagree. You have to say something. And when you do, people share it on social media. Fallon's shallow bits get shared, yes. But so do John Oliver, so did Colbert and Stewart in their CC days, so does

But he did nothing with that perspective. He didn't make it matter, he didn't turn it into must-watch bits or panels. Different perspectives are what makes a good comedy show and Wilmore was set up to provide one and didn't.

The fact that it wasn't shared on social media is a symptom, not the underlying condition. The underlying condition is that it never said anything important enough to be shared, unlike the old Daily Show, Colbert, John Oliver. For a show based on the news, and in a time with plenty of news stories begging to be

When it was originally announced as "The Minority Report," that was something intriguing. It could have been satire, it could have been biting, it could have been something that was both funny and from a different perspective. Instead we got panels that rarely seemed prepared or cohesive and even more rarely said

The problem is, with a few exceptions, it didn't provide thoughtful commentary. Wilmore's opening segments were usually good, but the panels often weren't, with some high profile failures that killed the show even if on a daily basis it was serviceable. It also wasn't that funny much of the time.

Look at this odd mash-up of Seinfeld and McDonald's! Great job, Internet!