
As I mentioned, I've only played the first two. I'm sure there's a case to be made for the newer ones.

I always find it hard to compare 2D games and 3D games. Of the 2D, I would pick Super Mario Brothers 3. Super Mario World is a polished version of what they created in SMB3, but it almost feels too sprawling to me.

The venue I'm discussing was smaller with no seats. Your situation is just as annoying, but at least your face wasn't in imminent danger from flailing legs(?) and arms.

Stamps that could have been put on letters no one sends you.

This is all concerts. Like, I get it if you want to dance, but you don't get to take up six square feet of floor space by yourself in a sold out venue, particularly when no one else is doing it.

I think we have to leave room for the possibility that he doesn't know what the Second Amendment is.

Interesting hypothesis that I ultimately don't agree with at all. This article is the equivalent of saying "Hillary and Trump both suck so they're equally bad!" While The Daily Show may carry some blame for turning politics into entertainment* it has not had nearly the toxic effect on the political atmosphere that Fox

Now that's not true. They'll also talk about how awful the movie is.

Katrina Pierson still talks daily and is rarely challenged on anything that she says, even though all of it is demonstrably false. They also hired Corey Lewandowski. So it's at best like one step forward and eight steps back.

You're going to need a miniseries.

Thankfully, "Not Trump" will carry more electoral votes.

And he has undoubtedly now been called a racist for these comments by people who haven't even read the interview, which only serves to prove his point.


There is no solution. The truth is so ridiculous that it's impossible to report on without being called biased. It's actually the same basic problem comedians have had with Trump: you can't make a joke or satirical representation of Trump because it cannot be more ridiculous than he already is. You can't report on the

I prefer a smug depression.

Tax return, foreign power hacking, and NFL happened. What do I win?

I see a lot of complaints about this segment being weak. If Oliver spends one week criticizing Trump and one week criticizing Clinton until the election,* that's the equivalent of the news networks saying "we have to hear both sides of the debate!" when there is no debate. It's the same intellectual laziness seen in

I happen to know that the Hooters on Peachtree is NOT a standalone restaurant. Good try, Internet.

Article title cleverly removes itself from the Lego/Legos debate.

I haven't heard a Bernie supporter* that DOESN'T sound like that. Not on TV, not online, not anywhere. And I read comment sections more than is suggested for a healthy blood pressure. There's nothing behind their argument other than petulance and a lack of comprehension. I don't like to paint with a broad brush, but