
They crowd sourced the definition on Reddit.

Let's not downplay the sacrifice I made here.

Hey, they're both right.

I wasn't going to do anything, but then I accidentally hit downvote, and then compensated by changing to an upvote.

And their candidate actually won. Crazy.

I really didn't know anything about Kaine before tonight, other than that he is not the former governor of New Jersey. Which is something, I guess. He came off as a little too earnest for my tastes, but it made his pivot to attacking Trump much more effective. When the nice guy starts attacking, it makes you pay

Ehh, I'd say him calling to renegotiate the Geneva Conventions was a bigger concern.

So then you… agree? I don't see how this responds to what I said at all.

Is there really any question? The only difference is that Bernie actually gained mainstream traction, partially because he was the only real opponent Hillary had. So his defeat is that much more crushing.

Or Bernie's sequel last night, "never tweet."

Thankfully I'm on the comment section enough to know never to listen to your advice.

As I said in a post below, in my experience, the people who dominate conversations do it regardless of if the conversation is with men, women, or both. Sexism may be part of why they do it with women, but they find a different reason to invalidate men. These people are disproportionately men, although I've met women

It's a useful starting point, although in my experience most of the assholes who dominate conversations do so regardless of whether they're talking over men or women. Those assholes are disproportionately men, though.

As an extremely quiet male, I wonder how much the onus is on me for not speaking up, and figure that it's better to sit down and shut up or risk being labeled an asshole. When women or men are involved in the conversation. I don't deny that women face the same problem at a higher rate than men, but I understand it and

Nothing will get you invited into a conversation faster than intently pressing buttons on your phone.

- vehement MRA.

I'm just a caveman.

The comment section is currently 100% men talking.

Vader appeared in Episode III, so he knows about tarnishing the brand.

And "You Don't Know How It Feels." And some others that are obvious. But you can make so many of his songs about marijuana if you want to interpret them that way.