
The AV Club is the only place I would even consider reading the comments for this story, and I'm still questioning whether to push forward.

"Crawling Back To You" is one of his best songs (although clearly not a single) and it's the second-to-last one on Wildflowers.

In the Conversations With Tom Petty book, he says it originally was called "Indiana Girl" or something along those lines and it wasn't working, but then he got the idea to change it. Somewhere in either that book, the documentary, or the Playback box set, there's a picture that shows the song written as such.

Ehh, Damn the Torpedoes is the best TP&H album front to back, but I still don't think it's "essential." If I had to pick one Petty to be "essential," I'd go with Wildflowers, but that one is solo. That distinction is so small for him that I don't care though.

This review suggests that the moral of the story is ambiguous, which would at least be an improvement over his last three-ish efforts.


So your first post wasn't cognitive dissonance. It was just pure, unadulterated ignorance. Glad we cleared that up.

He wears that color all the time and I disagree with you. I'm more wondering whether you could get away with that color suit in a non-entertainment setting.

When I was a kid, we would take family vacations from St. Louis to Florida, and we would drive. My dad had a full-size van that had a TV and VCR built in and we'd just take a big bag of tapes with recorded Simpsons episodes, mostly. For some reason we never came up with the idea to bring a game console.

When does he speak at the RNC?

If you do it right, you just slide that hedge maze in right underneath the taller supports and keep both.

Which he brought back on Monday.

Neither has pointing out that he has no policy. And as Colbert talked about Monday night as "Colbert," Trump's supporters don't care that he doesn't have any policies and that he probably won't even do the few things he has actually said. It's just not important. To some extent, I think it relates to the "great

The problem is that his opening comedy bits really aren't bad right now. I think the show's supposed lack of quality is vastly overstated. It's the interviews that need the most work.

He did a caricature of what was originally a caricature. But fuck if I didn't love it anyway.

One of my former law professors is a somewhat regular guest on the Alex Jones Show. His class was exactly what you'd expect, basically just yelling conspiracy theories and somehow connecting it all back, tenuously, to international law.

This seems like a perfect cold open, with the "but neither is Trump" line leading into the opening credits.

I never really liked this show as a kid. I thought its presentation was dumb and annoying. I rewatched an episode a few weeks ago and felt the same way. I guess it was better than a normal day in class?

I'm not really interested in seeing this movie, but it has nothing to do with the cast. It's a remake of a film that didn't need to be remade, and I'd rather just watch the original again. And that's particularly true given that most people have said that (a) it's not that different, and (b) it's a solid B movie but

I have working NES, SNES, and 64 consoles so I don't see a huge reason to buy this. But I probably will anyway.