
Incredible that Bondi is speaking when the only thing she's known for is not joining the Trump University lawsuit after he paid her off. How is that a good choice for either her or Trump?

Well sure. He's doing the right thing now, even if it draws his integrity into question. Just like Bernie.

Bernie should have refused to do anything, just like the Republicans in Congress. That would've solved our problems!

Then you don't say unequivocally that you'll support whoever the nominee is.

I agree with your general point, but the justices almost certainly would not overturn precedent at 5-4. They wouldn't agree with it either—they just wouldn't take the case. They would want a bigger majority than that. The Supreme Court just very, very rarely overturns their own precedent.

To be fair to CC, Oliver left before Stewart announced he was leaving. Given that Oliver got the job while Stewart was filming Rosewater and everyone thought he did well, I think he would have gotten it had he still been around.

Well, I mean, people just naturally smile for pictures. That's what you're trained to do your entire life. And just because you're at a historically sad place doesn't mean you can't be happy to be learning about the history. Smiling isn't necessarily joking around or failing to understand the significance.

I've never heard Wet Hot American Summer referenced anywhere other than the AV Club, and I'm fairly certain it's just an elaborate continuing in-joke that doesn't actually exist.

Most commentators I've seen have specifically noted that Dallas has been one of the best about responding to tensions between the police and citizens. And in the end, in an actual crisis, most police rise above whatever their personal prejudices are generally and do their job well.

Read the article at least.

Two otherwise awful Fox News personalities, Megyn Kelly and Carlson, have been made sympathetic to even those furthest to the left over the past several months because their conservative male counterparts are that much more regressive and sexist.

Also, sit-ins and the Freedom Rides were explicitly non-violent. No one here is saying protesters can't go to Trump rallies and protest. They're saying don't start fights and throw eggs and other shit that is the antithesis of non-violence.


The Senate doesn't seem to agree with your last contention.

Amazon has the Top Gear everyone wants. The American one wasn't bad, but it always seemed more gimmicky and scripted than the Clarkson/May/Hammond BBC version. Haven't seen any of the new BBC one.

Vast conspiracies are way more fun than reality.

The N64 controller is fine as long as you ignore the D-pad, and conveniently, there's rarely any reason to use the D-pad. The same is true of the GameCube controller.

I'm a NASCAR fan.

I'm not sure I would have included the upcoming RNC as something that's going to help Cleveland feel good about itself again… At best it's going to be a wash.

Sorry, the quote you're looking for is, "Hey, uhh, excuse me, homes?"