
"Islamism" is the better term for "radical Islam." But Cruz used it during the campaign and all the idiots, mostly left-wing sadly, killed him for it because they didn't know that Islamism has been an accepted term since like the 70s or early 80s.

I don't think she'll go with a non-white VP for political reasons. She already has strong African-American support and Hispanics aren't voting for Trump.

I didn't see Colbert's opening, but Conan's was good too. They were probably completely different in tone.

Holy shit, that's… $28,376!

I think they clearly helped here. They do usually help if someone is actually a first-time offender and doesn't seem likely to do the same thing again. When you get people coming in on their fourth armed burglary and the family is still there saying "it's not like him, he's a caring person who helps everyone he

Just as a note, almost all criminal cases have written statements from family and friends and sometimes statements to the court by them. About 50% read like this and about 50% are along the lines of "I know he fucked up but it was a momentary mistake and that should be considered." I really don't think they should

I'm slightly above you, just started paying this year though. I haven't touched the principal yet, it's unclear if I'll ever be able to pay enough to prevent the total from continuing to rise every month. Right now it's just a matter making the total rise as slowly as possible.

Right. And you're already paying for them in the current system. You're paying for them even more if they're uninsured and get hurt/sick. The idea that this becomes an issue under single-payer is a fallacy because it's already as much or more of an issue now.

It can be two things!

That's not really true anymore. Trump has recognized that he's not Mexican, but that he has Mexican heritage and that's all that matters. I read some of the Facebook posts yesterday (my mistake) and his followers have shifted to that point too. They also emphasize that he was/is a member of La Raza, a Hispanic legal

It can be two things.

How about when he said a federal judge couldn't fairly preside over proceedings related to him because he has Mexican heritage? The interview with Tapper was unbelievable, even by Trump standards. He just repeats some form of "I should have won already. I'm building a wall so he can't be the judge" over and over

There were a ton of hints that it was the fake Archer not in the pool. The obvious one was when he immediately agreed that Kriegerbots could pass the Turing test. He also didn't know how many bullets were in the gun. I'm sure there were others. It was a well-constructed episode and a good season overall.

Hey, he has to spend a lot of time determining which sports teams he supports.

I can't tell if you're intentionally referencing the pro-police group actually called Blue Lives Matter or not.

You entirely missed the point. McCain was seen as a moderate Republican who was reasonable and could compromise. It was easier for Clinton supporters to see him as an alternative. The argument that people are making is "well, they'll change their mind again once she's going against Trump." But they already know she'll

I agree. The Democrats again have put up an uninspiring candidate when they should clean up in this election. So many people just don't like Hillary, even those who lean left. They don't want to vote for her and the fact that the alternative is Trump might be the only thing that gets them to do it.

He's strong in the South, but to say that's most of his voters is a huge overstatement.

I think you could portray this the opposite way though too. They already know Trump is the other candidate and they're still saying they won't vote for Hillary. This variable is already taken into account in the poll, at least to some extent.

Until they threaten to increase the size of the Court until the progressives outnumber the conservatives, FDR-style.