
Not just a female Democrat, specifically Hillary, who the right has been finding ways to hate for over two decades.

The "both parties are the same" people are the ones Trump is appealing to though. They like him because he's not part of the PARTY establishment. He seems like a third-party candidate in that sense.

I did too. We've entered a zone in this election where there's almost no distinction between reality and satire.

I watched a lot of the interview, and it's fair to say that he didn't.

I was just about to post this. Everywhere I've seen this discussion people are saying "companies are going to replace everyone with robots anyway because it's cheaper." But it doesn't matter how cheap your products are if no one can buy them. I don't see any way the economy can naturally shift and make up for all of

Kind of hard to compare primaries that mean nothing to caucuses that actually determine something, obviously. Why does anyone vote in those primaries?

It's not particularly deeper than "deport the brown people," it's just different. The common theme between Trump and Bernie supporters is that they feel their candidate is different than the ones that they think left them behind, but that's the only reasoning. That's why there are so many Bernie supporters who say

I'm bored enough to peruse Facebook comments on trending news stories.

Calm down, bro.

Plus his best performances have been at caucuses, the least "democratic" of methods to select a nominee, if you're defining "democratic" to mean accessible to as many people as possible.

I did say "major Bernie supporters." Of course he has normal, reasonable supporters too. I am one of them. I don't like the term Bernie Bros. because I've seen just as many women in that camp as men and it's too clever a title for its own good.

His obvious sarcasm is far too nuanced for Breitbart.

Woah now, this is the AV Club. Who said anything about the real world?

Major Bernie supporters are not a much more reasonable lot than Trump supporters.

Can you pick up a bookshelf and hold it? That doesn't make it and the CDs on it the same thing. The distinction you're making is not whether the media is physical or not, but whether you even own it in the first place. You made this distinction in your later post. They're separate distinctions.

This definition is completely nonsensical. You own a physical hard drive, but that's not the media. The files are the media, and computer files aren't physical. The hard drive is the equivalent of the bookshelf, it holds the media.

Some could be made up, but they read pretty true to me. The mostly correct grammar and spelling are as damning as anything. But why would anyone want to read these unless they are themselves a heartbroken teenager? There's enough sadness without wallowing in some teenager's break-up.

I accidentally saw an episode of this (the first one?) and it wasn't totally awful. Still no surprise though.

Liked solely for the [presumably intentional but hopefully not] grammar mistake.

Latest study shows this joke was over 20 minutes ago.