
The AV Club
MILFs are especially popular

Mr. Campbell, who cares [about cast designations]?

Yes, that was the point.

As long as you can't do math, Bernie winning Indiana is great news!

Which could give him a stronger voice in trying to warn everyone else about the danger beyond the Wall. Especially since the Boltons are too preoccupied with trying to become relevant to ever do anything about that.

The true King of the North would take his place with the Raptors. Only a bastard chooses the Lakers.

I don't feel like Colbert is having trouble being himself at all. He is incredibly personable, and I think the show has been great as it is. The complaints about the format and Colbert being neutered by it are overblown. The problem is his show comes off as too intellectual, too focused on big issues, and not as

As if it needed the help, right?

How many men who have an issue with this sort of thing are actually friends with the men who post it, though? I'm not sure there's much crossover there, they're different social groups.

How many of the people that don't know that will see this video, though? I actually don't know the answer to that, but at this point, the only places I've seen it posted are the same places that post this type of thing regularly.

A better comparison to refute his point would probably be someone like Pablo Torre, who also posts about non-sports issues on social media but probably isn't bombarded with rape and death threats to nearly the same degree.

When I first heard it, without context, I assumed Nintendo had released a series of educational games.

I don't claim to pay a lot of attention to these things, but I just recently determined that the WiiU was a separate console and not just an update or add-on to the Wii.

Thoroughly average book which prefers message over story, except it doesn't have much to say either. But it's a quick read so go for it.

Andrew Shaw has some spare time.

No one… said anything resembling that.

I don't disagree. But his supporters ignore the fact that he still is way behind Hillary in total votes and has done inordinately well in caucuses, which practically disenfranchise way more people than any of the supposed voting fraud they say is happening.

Well, you're right about Sanders and Trump, but you're wrong about them seeing that they can't win a majority within their own party. What they see instead is a conspiracy against them by the establishment. There's really nothing that could happen to convince them that they aren't the preferred candidate of 75% of the

Well, some of that is also certainly audience demographics. AR and PBS in general skew towards people with higher education levels, I would expect. So they can tailor their content accordingly, even while trying to keep it as mainstream as possible. The History shows just aim for the largest possible audience, and