
In short? Because he's a predictable and conventional politician who seems at least able to be diplomatic and doesn't say things like "I'm my foreign policy advisor." He would be bad for the country, but there's very little chance he would be a disaster. The president has very little control over the things you


This is a government and media-led plan to assassinate Donald J. Trump. Everyone knows the government is incompetent, it's an incontrovertible fact proven by my opinions and delusions. THE SECRET SERVICE IS PART OF THE CONSPIRACY.

This isn't far-fetched enough.

Nah, at my high school (and I'm younger than these guys, I graduated in 2008) Dave was huge. And that's what he was called, just "Dave." It seemed like I was the only one who didn't go to his concert every year, which was always near the end of the school year. Coldplay was also big.

That was also my first thought upon reading it, and you're right that it was supposed to be a track on Southern Accents. Of course, there was also a track on Playback called "You Get Me High," but it didn't prevent him from making a completely different song called "U Get Me High" on Hypnotic Eye.

At least she hasn't been Palin around with terrorists.

No need to worry though, he'll say the opposite soon enough.

Some of his supporters are just racist idiots. The rest do have legitimate gripes with the system, but willfully ignoring the tone and complete lack of substance can't be excused. Anger needs to be channeled into something productive, not into supporting an orange-faced troll with no feasible ideas and nothing backing

I haven't seen anyone really address it in-depth like this though. It's just people on Twitter saying "Trump's an idiot," because it seems so self-evident, but Oliver always adds detail that is missing from the general debate otherwise. I'm sure someone on a news site somewhere has done a report like this, but the

Well, let's look at the logic of Trump supporters. They don't like the establishment, they think it's destroying the country and economy and doesn't care about their issues. They're also mostly on the right. So:

Worst part about moving from the Central to the Eastern time zone. 10:30-11:30 for the Late Show is reasonable. 11:30-12:30? No way. I don't know how anyone sees Meyers/Corden.

Most of what I said was about after the game came out, which aligns with what you said.

Fine, I can make it shorter. People complained about how Wind Waker looked, Nintendo responded with Twilight Princess. People complained about Twilight Princess, Nintendo responded with Skyward Sword.

That was not the reaction. Reviewers loved the game (they loved TP too) and that was the case they made, but people were split. I think that case is correct and I liked the game, but there continued to be backlash until TP came out. And it was, as I noted, considered by many to be a return to how the games should look.

But it is as simple as that, because the historical re-appraisal of Wind Waker happened after Twilight Princess. The talk at the time TP came out was how it was a return to the true style of the two 64 titles. Also, the criticism of Nintendo as a whole at the time was that it was too kid-centric and TP was lauded as

Except Nintendo was responding to a flood of complaints about Wind Waker's style when they made Twilight Princess…


Let Go was their first album post-indie rebirth and was pretty popular, but I prefer all of their albums since then to it. They're pretty consistent, so it's hard to recommend one over another. If you like The Weight Is a Gift, you should like both The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy and Lucky. Even their covers

Hate will get you every time.