
Issue B doesn't rest on that assumption though. Likelihood of success on the merits is part of the preliminary injunction proceeding. The court doesn't assume that you'll win, you have to show that you probably will, even if the issue is not fully adjudicated.

But it requires likelihood of success on the merits. Preliminary injunction proceedings don't just ignore the underlying claim, you have to show that you'll likely win.

You can't decide issue B without deciding issue A first. Whether or not she was abused is the relevant fact in determining if Sony has to let her out of her contract.

That's an oversimplification though, because the fact-finder can make credibility determinations. It could decide 50/50, or it could decide that one party was more credible than the other.

It can, but the court didn't dismiss the case or enter summary judgment at this point. The judge just didn't enter a preliminary injunction.

It does, but discovery should have found that. Just because she alleged it doesn't mean she ultimately offered evidence to prove it. People have to be careful about believing complaints, because it's conducive to allege everything you possibly can think of, therefore having access to more discovery materials, even if

He's right that the basic assumption still stands, you're right that the standard of proof is lower. But if it's truly just his word vs. her word, it still wouldn't be met. I haven't followed the details of the case enough to know if it is just his word v. her word, but I would guess that's an oversimplification of

I've seen plenty of bad openers, but I don't hold it against them because everything is set up for the other band. But the worst headliner I've ever seen was The New Pornographers. They played the songs fine, but they did everything exactly as on the album, as quickly as possible, with no breaks or talking or anything.

Maybe it's just me, but playing on small handheld screens always makes games feel smaller, even if the world itself is not actually smaller. Shrug.

Every one of those is a handheld game though, which have an entirely different type of expectations. Consoles and handhelds have converged quite a bit since the original Game Boy, obviously, but there's a reason none of those are mentioned as must-play Zelda games (not as often anyway.) We expect greater depth from

Yeah, I think you missed… Never mind.

I agree that there's no reason to play them in the order of a "timeline," but I think there's a legitimate debate about which games you should play first for other reasons. You may get more (or less) out of one game if you've played another one first.

Mentioned this in another post above, but I think it's because ALTTP is the final 2D iteration of the game, in non-handheld form anyway, so there's nothing to compare it to. Ocarina gets compared to the later 3D games and obviously loses because of graphics, world size, and all the other things the newer consoles

Honestly, you can't go wrong with ALTTP, OOT, MM, WW, or TP, or acronyms in general.

"Actual innocence" is being used as a legal term-of-art in that quotation. It's a type of defense to criminal charges. Like I said, I would have to read the whole opinion to see if he's saying what you claim, but the selected portion, by itself, doesn't necessarily.

I generally never agree with Scalia, but I agree with the other poster that the quote you posted can be attributed only tenuously, at best, to mean what you claimed. I would have to read the full opinion to reach a conclusion, but what you quoted alone isn't good enough.

Scalia was brilliant at formulating a highly limited and flawed system of legal interpretation, and then jamming every possible opinion into that framework no matter how ridiculous or illogical the result. He filled in how bad many of his ideas were with insults and colorful language, but there the ideas still were,

Because they were both assigned a color from the male perspective. Accordingly, Democrats get authority and Republicans get anger. These sound pretty accurate.

Because they killed off Candace too soon.

Only aliens would find parts of Fargo boring.