
I should hate them but I can't. I just want to frolic around in them and make Björk fan videos for my favorite songs.

People who think their shit needs its own seat on the subway should be rounded up and placed in camps that have half as many chairs as they need.

Chikungunya is not a joke. It overran us in the US Virgin Island a few months ago affecting thousands of people over the course of several months. As you note, younger people fare better, (my wife was symptom free after about 7 days) but others are not so fortunate. I know people who still have limited hand mobility

Great. LL is the poster child for CHIKV. There has been some serious discourse in the medical/public health arena regarding the introduction of CHIKV to the Americas recently. It has spread like wildfire in the Carribean and very little attention has been paid to it. It has ransacked the islands, which is especially

Oh... THAT ""[ultra sarcastic finger quote]""virus""[/ultra sarcastic finger quote]"" huh?

Define "afford". Something tells me Li doesn't exactly jump to pay off her credit cards promptly each month.

The Chikungunya virus inside Lohan is in very good company.

Symptoms include fever, severe joint pain, muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash...

Everybody sing!

So brave for not letting it ruin her vacation. Her vacation from...not working?

I will never get over the fact that some men attack women because of slights to their ego or sense of self. This reminds me of years ago, when I was in college, a freshman girl got viciously punched in the face by a guy because, when she saw him walking behind her, late at night, she shifted her purse from one

Between this horrible shit, the fact that 60 percent of the population seems to think it doesn't exist, and the official declaration that killing of unarmed black men is completely fucking legal if the murderer is white...this country is FUBAR.

instagram, where plus-size women can get banned for posting a pic in a non-sexual pose in their (fairly conservative) underwear because MORALS, but soft porn of a woman masturbating under the guise of selling denim is a-okay because HIGH FASHION.

"It's not provocative just in terms of sexy, but provocative to provoke conversation" he told WWD.

Yeah, jeans scrunched around ankles tells me zero about the fit. I don't really know how this is supposed to sell me on them. "You too can be oiled up with your pants around your ankles in a creepily empty room! Buy my jeans line!"

Someone needs to tell Wang that men buy their women overpriced ugly lingerie, not jeans, cuz it's pretty obvious that this isn't aimed at women. I'm not going to run out and buy a pair of jeans that I can't even see in the ad and isn't that the point of advertising? Fail.

The truth of the pictures: if you're wearing jeans without underwear, sometimes, they really rub your vagina wrong. She isn't trying to be sexy, she is in pain.

Don't tell Kanye, he'll want them to go with his leather leggings.

When I first saw this ad I thought these were denim legwarmers, which was VERY upsetting.