
Most people I know go to the gym and then “reward” themselves with ice cream or something later. Not realizing that they’ve probably not even worked off the calories in the ice cream let alone beyond that. Remember kids, it’s all about nutrition. I’d say something like 70/30.

Yeah... uuh, exactly...

The best part is that they aren't even right.

You are the dunce here. Stop it. There is a reason smell is added.

Ima let you finish but this is why there is a smell added. So that it can be detected.

This needs WAY more stars.

What in the world is she doing at the GLAAD awards?!

Just because Elton John made a fool of himself doesn't mean the point isn't valid.

AT the GLAAD awards. GO FUCK YOURSELF. What the hell? Just say no comment. I'm sure Italians (especially northern Italians) have a lot to say about her skin color(the racists fucks) but that's probably lost in translation too! *eyeroll*

No Melissa Mccarthy?! I'll never understand why Tammy got no traction from feminists. It's wonderfully subversive and chocked full of lady power. And super funny...

Hmmmm interesting. Do you have a more specific name or description so that I could google to find one?

Serious question. What can we do to help protect ourselves? I was about to buy mace and my friend was like- could be a good idea but you could also get it in your eyes. I'm feeling so sad about all of this. I feel like it's all escalating. Or maybe there is just more reporting on it. I don't know. :'(

Journalists whole job in a functioning democracy is to inform the public about things- often time misdeeds by corporations and or government. If something that they report is not factual, the next step is to employ a lawyer, not to blackmail. There is a reason why the free press was so important to the founding of our

Maybe he should not be put on a pedestal at all. Just like anyone who would act this way no matter what the color of their skin.

There are a LOT of black people who dislike Bill Cosby for talking down to other black people so I don't know if you can exactly speak for everyone.

Right?! What a legend!!

Because that's their job. If something that she is reporting is not factual, there are lawyers for that- not personal mud slinging. Independent news is vital to a functioning democracy.

Not to mention the fact that this is not the first time that uber has been caught digging up their customer's user history. It's personal information that should not be shared.