
"Venus suffers from a runaway greenhouse effect. It's 900 degrees on Venus, not simply because it's closer to the sun than us, it's not that much closer. It's a little bit closer. It's got nearly 100 percent CO2 in its atmosphere, and that atmosphere is a hundred times as dense as ours, so heat comes in, it does not

Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Yeah, as I've said before, the good thing about science, when a consensus of an experiment emerges, the good thing about science is that it's true, whether or not you believe in it, and climate change has taken on political dimensions, has taken on cultural, social dimensions, and it's odd,

She's pretty good. MIA paved the way for her.

Now playing

I find it totally bizarre that there is no mention of the very misogynistic nature of this song and video.

I honestly find that fact that she is working with Chris Brown to be most offensive.

So what message is she trying to send here exactly? Is it to love one's ass, even if it's on the larger end? Is it "I'm so fit I don't have to worry about my ass- you fatties?" Why is Jezebel okay with her photoshopping and her mixed body messages but then you'll turn around and pay 10,000 dollars for un-photoshopped

They better catch this fucker alive. I looked at the photos and it seemed like he either raped her before or after she was dead too. And her poor son walking in. Just sick.


She just won an emmy for her new stand up We Are Miracles..


They had to edit a really hilarious joke from We Are Miracles. She was SUPPOSED to say .. "If you're drunk, and throw up on a man's penis, mid blow job, you can save the moment if you can muster up a "tada!" lol

You could say that about, well, anything really.

I see it more as Oprah exploiting Lohan, but tomato, tomato.

Glad to hear that! I was just looking it up and I guess I even fell pray to that. I still wear it even though I was nervous about it because I agree, I am not sweating and smelling.

That's very common actually. Honestly, I think the anti-vax stance is a thing of privilege. They've never seen the disease in action etc so it's really easy for them to be like, why the fuck am I going to take the risk? It's an interesting kind of pseudo-intellectual.

Aluminum in deodorant and parabens have scientific evidence that suggests these are not crazy things to want to avoid. Anti-vax is a whole new level. The science is sound.

It was 75 degrees in Paris today...


It's true. At the end of the day, class is the biggest issue. Not that race doesn't intersect because it does hugely!

no. there is no such thing.