
People she knew and loved not only looked, but told her they looked, like it's totally nbd? That might be the most appalling thing about this whole fucking story. I literally cannot imagine having someone who loved me be complicit in that kind of violation that was done to me. It's utterly horrifying to think that

"In the piece, Lawrence said she considered releasing a statement, some sort of apology, when she found out about the photos getting out, but realized "I don't have anything to say I'm sorry for. I was in a loving, healthy, great relationship for four years. It was long distance, and either your boyfriend is going to

Why? It fits exactly the message she is trying to get out their. Her choice. She choose to present herself this way because she doesn't feel she needs to be ashamed of her body or her sexuality. It doesn't in anyway cast blame for what occurred with the leaked photos. And if anyone has issues with the cover they have

"It's my body and it should be my choice."

Nicki obviously. Bey's too pampered.

I was so jealous of the girl whose lap she sat in. Had I been her, I may have started crying out of pure excitement and joy and then had an orgasm or something. So many conflicting emotions/bodily responses. I love Sarah so much.

I laughed early and often throughout the entire show. Watched it on DVR twice the next morning. And it was surprisingly clean, so I had my daughters watch it as well, and they laughed their butts off. Much better than the previous week's episode, and I chalk that up to a host who really knows her way around the

Her commentary on princesses needs to be made into a t-shirt for girls.

I know a lot of people hate on Sarah Silverman but I love her. This was awesome.

why? we have socialized medicine and little gun violence here.

I've said this, and have been told this. In general, I think the best sex comes from being able to talk about sex after you've had it with people who are open enough to talk about what works and doesn't. Doing the play-by-play, as it were, and being able for both people to talk about what worked and what didn't makes

Can I just talk about how much I love the Graham Norton Show? It's a weird love, but a love just the same.

Just tell him, "It's not porn, it's HBO."

I'm going to say "great fucking" the next time I have sex.

Obamacare actually is - or at least was - a Republican plan; they're the ones who thought it up back in the late '80s as a way to funnel more people into buying for-profit health coverage instead of doing something sensible like, oh, passing universal health care legislation.

I love how George and Amal are pretending they won't just buy another multimillion dollar house in Kent.

Yes Lindsay is a lucky girl, who on earth gets so many chances?