
I help some local homeless people. When I offered deodorant to one, he said no. I said, what, are you worried about mixing dementia with your alcoholism? We laughed and laughed.

I'm not at all a conspiracy theorist, but I think there is merit to the opinion that TWA Flight 800 was shot down. I also truly believe that Ferris Beuller didn't really exist, but was a manifestation of Cameron's superego.

I think the one reassuring thing about the LA kooks is that they're not organized enough to harass you or alienate you for not sharing their beliefs. Except maybe the Scientologists are getting organised.

It's less irritating (at least than the bible-thumping Christianity of the deep south). The bible-thumpers love to judge you and tell you how you are going straight to hell for your sinful (read: liberal) ways. The LA free spirits will judge you and may try to convert you to their ways, but at least they don't try to

I believe that social justice is possible.

I WILL win the lottery.

Right? Also, not everyone here is into this crap. Some of us really enjoy mocking it. #notallangelenos.

I can't decide whether this is more or less irritating than the pervasive bible-thumping Christianity of the Midwest.

I have this crazy optimistic belief that through science, understanding, and education; humanity will overcome it's limitations, reach the stars, and not fall extinct due to overpopulation, hatred, and scarcity.

I dislike Lena Dunham as much as the next person, but can we please have the courtesy to believe her story and sympathize?

She's was never particularly fashionable, but at least her "old" look suited her.

Doesn't Kanye basically dictate what she wears? I thought I saw something about how they showed him picking out her clothes for her on an episode of her show a while back (and getting rid of a bunch of existing clothes of hers). I also assumed this because I recall liking a lot of her outfits pre-Kanye.

Isn't her stylist Kanye?

I think her "stylist" is named "Kanye."

Her stylist is Kanye, I'm pretty sure. Kim is his little dolly that he dresses up.

All the money in the world can't protect you from the dreaded Toe of Camel.

ETA: I actually saw one of these in person this past weekend. My mind was blown.