

I'm not saying poor white people are the enemy. I'm saying that it's not a coincidence that the richest people in this country are white and a lot of poor people are POC. You can't talk about class without mentioning race in the United States. That argument would be better suited in countries like China or Nigeria

Race and class are intersectional, not separate. A rich white man is more likely to give poor white men the opportunity to climb the social ladder than a poor person of color.

Yes. Have you ever watched any of these races? And, the car wasn't going that fast until Steward gunned it.

Christ, just think, people like you get chosen to sit on juries.

And you won't see such a thing spelled out, at least not by dildo boy who is happily jumping around with the news that post-death tests found some evidence of marijuana use and a DA who is making baseless claims.

If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.

If you had a drink 2 weeks ago, you aren't still impaired. Marijuana is the same way, just because it stays in your system way longer doesn't mean you are impaired for more than a few hours. The trace amounts of marijuana will likely be dragged out as a big deal though, because there's some insurance company somewhere

it's not even like...good racism. it's like, stupid racism, a la justin bieber, or in other words, finding joy by uttering inappropriate words:

When I use to live in Nigeria, one of the biggest insult you could say to a black African was to call he or she a member of the hairy side of the homininae sub-family.

Us black folk have been "mistaken" for primates in some form or another since the beginning of black people. It's kind of a thing.

New? More like old enough to have fallen out of common knowledge only to roll back in what with the increasing prominence of racist bullshit these days.

There is a long history of comparing black people to monkeys that stretching back to the slave trade. There is a particularly ugly part that happened during the beginning of the last century where we'd display black children with dwarfism alongside monkeys in zoo exhibits as the "missing link".

Fuck that. She's awesome. What I hate most is that this story doesn't surprise me.

I was a young mother (under 20) when I had my first child. I was going to sign up to go on a trip to Carlsbad Caverns (we lived on an Army base nearby) with the base rec center. The rec director asked me if I planned on taking my infant along; I replied that I was. She very politely explained that some of the tour

I have four kids. I totally agree with you.

I can't believe people still try to pretend that Fox is an actual news station. They're a fucking joke.

Because to Faux News, this never happened.

It's even funnier that (as Jon Stewart pointed out on TDS) in the same damn show, he got all faux outraged at OBUMMER for the latte salute because it was 'disrespectful' to our men and women in uniform.

Plus, she's a fighter pilot so her boobs aren't even on the ground. So it's not funny and it doesn't even make sense. Sounds like Fox news, I guess.