
Attn: Kim Kardashian West! Your assets are lovely, but you look like sausage in these ill-fitting dresses. Please, stop punishing your boobs in these dresses! You certainly have enough money to get your dresses tailored so your boobs don't look like they're about to rupture.

best part of that fashion show, Noomi Rapace zero fucks given

"their view of ancient Europe is a bit too romantic to be totally comfortable"

This is what I think of the assholes who are making shit like this happen:

Pet peeve of mine, but to clarify— Plan B is not an abortifacient, it's a mega dose of progesterone (or similar hormone) that delays ovulation.

At the point the daughter was at, it was too late for Plan B. It's usually taken the next day. Plan B prevents implantation of a fertilized egg, it doesn't cause an abortion.

No, you have no idea what she did and knew....and yes, a mom may have NOT known it was illegal.

I've had intelligent, educated family members tell me with complete seriousness that they thought international online pharmacies were legal. "If they weren't legal, why would I be able to buy stuff?"

I would have thought that a feminist website wouldn't be a big fan of somebody like Kendall Jenner. Yet you guys seem to have a huge lady boner for her, based on the number of stories I see about her here. I guess nepotism is only bad when it happens to rich white boys?

The wording is confusing but bottom line is that this specific issue is outperforming (in sales) the per issue average over the first 6 months of 2014 by 20%.

I agree with your sentiments, but I'd like to point out that, as far as I know, our recycling programs here in the US are absolute jokes.

Maybe they know the secret to making $59.87 per hour doing nothing but just sitting at their computers! Or they also know those 17 dirty tricks to making their dicks bigger!

My thoughts, exactly. I live in the South and 87 degrees could easily feel closer to 100+ on some days.

Jezebel included a poor example, but a quick Google search indicates that the dress code is actually ridiculous. Sure, crop tops are banned. Normal stuff. But so are headbands, skinny jeans, and sweatpants. Um... really?!

I feel like Jezebel just did a shitty job of covering this situation. Most schools ban midriff-baring tops. But a quick Google search reveals that other banned items include sweatpants, skinny jeans, leggings, hoodies, and headbands. I'm 27, and I own one pair of jeans that AREN'T skinny. I just bought a pair of

People's clothes are "dangerous." I mean, who the fuck came up with this language? Dangerous how exactly? I doubt any of the clothing had any spikes attached.

As a product photographer and a person with at least half a brain, I can't see that photo being taken and at least one person not thinking "wow this looks bad". It's not like someone takes a snap with their iPhone and uploads it from there. It goes through post-processing, most likely by a team of different people as

You're telling me NO ONE who works there saw this shirt or at least a picture of this shirt and thought "HMM you know what this looks like?"

I don't think they're clueless...I'm pretty sure they're doing this on purpose.