
I found that, at least one of the supposedly free download sites, you had to go through hoops to get to the download. Not only did you have to sign up for the site, but to download you had to join at least one other site and complete surveys and such. Little more than a spam magnet.

We used to make "rattlesnake eggs" out of an envelope, rubber band, a large paperclip, and a small paper clip. Wind it up, seal the envelope and place it on a table and the "victim" would open it and get quite a scare as the device unwound rather noisily. Harmless as long as the victim doesn't have a heart

Sounds to me that they're advocating stealing air from a nearby unattended car in a parking lot. Such an action is likely to backfire in more ways than one. Most bike tires are higher pressure than car tires so all that would happen is the pressure would equalize between the car tire and the bike tire. You'd

kellanpan: It's been a while since I messed with Linux, but if I remember correctly, the only account that has root level permissions by default is root. Other accounts have to be explicitly given those permissions. This would apply to all *nix variations.

I just signed up for the service and installed the extension for gmail but it apparently doesn't work with the google apps version of gmail. There's no unsubscribe button. I emailed their support but haven't gotten a response yet.

We have an IT policy that we have to leave our machines running overnight so updates and virus definitions etc. get applied as soon as they're available. I've tried hibernate/sleep but more often than not, I have trouble getting the machine to wake from either mode and when it does wake properly, the updates

I never really liked beer. Other than color differences, I usually can't distinguish one from the other. Be it Milwaukee's Beast, Budwater, or whatever, they all taste nasty to me.

It would be OK as an option, but if it's a requirement then I'd be against it. Not everyone is comfortable giving out their phone numbers. I can count on one hand the number of text messages I've sent/read on my cellphone. If I were to be required to let Google send me a text message to verify the addition of a

When it matures to the point that they offer a level of service similar to Google Apps for your domain for a similar price I'll seriously consider switching.

The program is pretty cool. It'll be better when they allow users to string clips together into whole songs and add a few more instruments.

I tried it but it appears to not work. After setting my desired privacy level and clicking "Fix My Privacy" it spins a bit then puts everything back to where it was before.

This is definitely the type of thing I'd do to a laptop. When/if the time comes for me to blow away and reinstall my existing desktop system I might do it there as well. Question: How much of a drag on the system is it to have the entire volume encrypted? I imagine having to encrypt/decrypt everything all the time

I rarely use coupons. However, if I stumble upon one for something I plan on buying soon, like in the next few hours, I'll use it.

I got Office 2007 Ultimate by winning it in a drawing at local MSDN Road Show hosted by the local .Net Developers Group. Unless I get lucky and get 2010 free I'll probably not upgrade. Unfortunately, my MSDN subscription doesn't include Office. I'd have to upgrade to a higher level subscription at a cost greater

I know I'm likely to get flamed by all the Windows haters out there, but here goes... I really like my HP Media Smart Windows Home Server box.

I've avoided XP-Mode. I much prefer a real VM environment like VMWare Workstation.

WRT54GL running Sveasoft's firmware. I know, I know, lots of folks don't like Sveasoft, but it's the easiest to install and is WAY more stable and feature rich than the stock Linksys firmware.

Unfortunately, unless one wants to build their own WHS box, many will have to wait until the various companies that make WHS systems come out with new ones. I'm using an HP MediaSmart WHS box and I love it.

My company makes us change passwords every 3 months. We get a dialog box at logon that says "You password will expire in 14 days, do you wish to change it now?" As the message says we have 14 days to find a convenient time to change it. It's a little annoying but I think the benefits far outweigh the annoyance.

It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, even if it doesn't really work well. Perhaps over time the brain has learned that if a lot of people around you look like they don't feel well it's time for an immune boost. Such just might help the body fight off an initial infection before it becomes too wide spread