
One word about SSD life. Well, actually more than one, but the important one applies to all drives, not just SSDs. BACKUP. Preferably daily. But seriously, an SSD should definitely outlast the computer itself.

Data files that get written to a lot can also benefit from being on the SSD. I keep my Visual Studio projects source code on the SSD for blazing-fast compile times.

Ever since I switched my OS/Programs over to an SSD, boot times are much much faster. The only time it takes longer than 10 seconds from power on to desktop is if windows has to apply updates. I'm sure you've seen that "Please wait while windows configures updates, stage 3 of 3 XX%" screen. That sometimes takes as

It's difficult to get rid of span from Facebook games that you've gotten tired of. I used to use Farmville as a way to zone out and not think about anything for a little while. As they added more and more new "features" the constant pop-ups during game play overwhelmed any stress-relief gleaned from mindlessly

While I have absolutely no guilt or qualms about killing mice, I do have a problem with torturing them. As one who came really close to drowning once, I do not wish that fate on any living creature. I don't like sticky traps either. I much prefer the quick kill. That's why I don't like bow-hunting. Unless you're

From what I've heard, Windows RT is just one of the "skus" that will be available with Windows 8, similar to the way Windows 7 has "Home Starter", "Home Premium", "Professional", and "Ultimate". It is supposed to be Metro only, like Windows Phone 7, but targeted at the larger screen sizes available on tablets.

I've been followed twice. Once when I had several others in the car with me. We pulled over to the curb and when the follower did the same, I got out of the car followed by 3 of the four passengers. The follower left in a hurry with tires squealing. We got back in the car and laughed all the way to our

That's how Obama got elected and how he made his living before he officially ran for political office.

I have two "monitors" only one of which is actually a monitor, a 23" wide screen Acer. The other is a 23" Visio HDTV that is capable of 1080i. The Visio has 2 hdmi inputs, a component video input and a VGA input.

I was thoroughly amazed upon reading some of the reactions on that article. Can't these people read? The Wikipedia blackout page was quite clear. BTW, what on Earth are TEACHERS doing depending on Wikipedia for their lessons? If I had kids, and wanted them learning from Wikipedia, I'd just tell them to

I don't mind paying for good software, but Photoshop's price is absolutely absurd. Corel has Paint Shop Pro, I think they acquired it when they purchased Jasc back in 2004, that is quite good and can do pretty much anything Photoshop does. I think it can even use Photoshop plug-in's. The only reason I can think of

Regardless of whether or not this sleep technique actually works, is healthy, or even safe, which I have my doubts about, for those of us who have jobs, other than the self-employed, it's a rare employer that'll allow you to take a nap. If I took a nap outside my lunch break, I'd be lucky if I didn't wake up with a

Looks to me that since they posted it on both Make and Etsy, the creator is saying something to the effect of, "Here's how to make it. If you don't have time, desire, or ability to make it yourself, I'll do it for a fee."

I agree. Discover should definitely advertise the service more. I didn't even know it existed until I read this article. Now that I know about it, I'll be using it for any online purchases from vendors I don't already have a trusted relationship with.

With a very few additional parts, you can build a radio transmitter out of the guts of a CFL. []

I actually had one fly in my open car window as I drove down a rural road at night. Hit the side of my head and flopped into the passenger side floorboard. Startled me so much I nearly crashed. When I got home the bat was still breathing, but unresponsive. I sat him on top of the mailbox. The next morning he was

There are a few covers that I actually like better than the original. Ike and Tina Turner's Proud Mary isn't one of them. Limp Bizkit's version of Faith comes to mind. Megadeth's version of Anarchy in The UK. Motley Crue's Smokin' In the Boys Room.

I scan non-trivial receipts, invoices, copies of checks, etc. into Acrobat. Then, within Quicken I attach the resulting pdf(s) to the related registry entry. Whenever I pay a bill that still comes in paper form, I do the same thing with the statement. Then the paper gets shredded. Important paper that I can't

Indeed, I've never liked Apple products. My distaste for them was solidified when I learned that Al Gore was on the board.

Excluding or urging people to limit or avoid dairy, red meat, etc. is no less politically motivated than the USDA version. Instead of pandering to the dairy and meat industries, it panders to the other side.