
I'm really lovin' Win7 64bit. I've had absolutely 0 problems that could be fairly blamed on Microsoft. The driver for my Hauppage TV tuner has a memory leak which eventually causes a blue screen if I go too long without rebooting (~3 weeks). That's hardly Microsoft's fault.

Physical destruction is the best bet but that precludes re-use. If I want to re-use the drive then wipe it with a good wiping utility that overwrites the data multiple times. One good utility is DBAN.

All other things being the same, I'd pay off the higher interest rate card first. In the proposed scenario where there are two cards, one with a high balance and one with a high interest rate and you have the $$$ to pay off the higher balance one. I'd still choose to pay off the higher interest rate first and put

Not everyone lives in an area where real broadband is available. In my case, I have a satellite based ISP which is far superior to dial-up but bandwidth is still an issue. The ISP tracks both upload and download bandwidth usage and if you go past a certain threshold in either your speed is reduced to approximately

Bacon is one of my favorite foods. Those look like they'd be great with breakfast related fillings.

I used to work as a cook at a pizza delivery joint that also took walkins for carry-out. Since customers could watch us, behind the counter of course, several of us liked to put on a bit of a show by tossing the dough. Then someone from the corporate office came down and fussed at us. According to them tossing the

I'm running 64bit Windows now. Too bad my hardware only allows 8gb RAM.

Like the other commenters, I tend to multitask quite a bit and have seen significant improvements in bumping ram up to 8gb, the max my MOBO will handle.

I'll be switching to Win7 once I receive my upgrade disk from Dell and M$FT releases power pack 3 for Windows Home Server. #operatingsystems

I'm no MSFT fanboy but I think the idea of patenting "Custom XML" is ridiculous. The whole idea behind XML is that it's extensible. If a deep pocketed company like MSFT can get in trouble for extending eXtensible Markup Language what does that say for open source developers?

It would certainly suck to get the dreaded "USB Device Not Recognized" message while attempting to upgrade the OS. If they do this they need to also supply a CD/DVD.

The creepiness of this astonishes me. However, I can also see a practicality factor. A user would have to be careful though. For example, what if you change email addresses and no longer have access to the address this service pings to make sure you're still among the living? You'd miss the pings and end up having

I'm still having trouble getting to sleep after the time change. I take that as proof, at least personally, that DST is, in the words of George Carlin, "all BS and it's bad for ya."

@aerick79: I agree totally. It should be abolished. There are some localities in the US that abstain from DST, unfortunately I don't live in one of them. DST was originally intended to make it easier for the children of farmers to get home from school with enough daylight to still do chores and the like. (Or at

I first used Windows 3.1 to cheat on a fun old game called Bards Tale. I ran the game in one window and a hex editor in another window so I could see the results of changes I made rather quickly. My character had "FFFFFF" hit points (showed up as *'s in the game), gold and other attributes and the dragons sneezed

Personally I think it's a great idea. Imagine, a Windows OS that is truly clean and unburdened by bloated, virtually useless apps tied into the desktop. It might be the first MSFT offering that doesn't require doubling the horsepower of your existing PC to run. To get decent performance out of Vista I had to go to

The download is not the professional version that the key works with. They expect you to already have a CD from a magazine.

DasKeyboard Professional... Excellently tactile mechanical key switches instead of those mushy keys that most keyboards have.