
Man, your take is so hot it burned my retinas. And also is trash. That’s just a whole lot of words for “If I want to take away the option for you to go into an episode not knowing what’s coming, that’s my right, and if you say you don’t like it, you’re abusing me.”

Ohhh a science link to prove your point, now you can only be right

All of the spoiler complaints are valid here. Kotaku needs to be more careful about the way they publish these articles.

I read kotaku and didn't see the trailer, if you don't believe me go fuck yourself 

Uh... Okay.

Can you please freaking stop spoiling this show? If HBO wanted us all to know what it was, wouldn’t they name the episode after it? And holy crap STOP spoiling in the URL’s! The episode came out last night, people have things to do and can’t always watch it on time. If this has to be why I stop reading Kotaku then so

You guys aren’t trying to keep much of a following these days, are you? Give people the weekend to catch up dude. 

Spoilers people. Come on, we didn’t all watch the ep the second it came online.


Seriously, could you spoil a bit less in the headline and its photo? I’ve just woken up (in Denmark) and thought I could come here and read some game-related news safely. I was supposed to watch the episode tonight, but I guess even 24 hours of spoiler-free content is too much to ask for.

Im officially too old to relate to this website. 

It’s almost as if the average American is overweight and/or obese.

Rides have requirements, height, weight, whatever.  Don’t put the target on your own back just because you think it’s unfair.  My kids have thought it unfair that they couldn’t ride a roller coaster because they weren’t tall enough, but there’s nothing to be done about it.

It’s really terrible when people jump to disrespectul conclusions. Anyway, like I was saying, most western men are feminine and weak...

I mean, the boring part is your opinion, personally I disagree but fair enough. However Bioshock? Really can’t say I’m picking up Bioshock vibes. Much more like a cross between Far Cry, Borderlands with a touch of Left4Dead in my mind

Yeah, just quit your job.  What could go wrong?

The biggest unforgivable curse:

This is always going to be a super problematic argument because what critics of AI art don’t want to admit is that human artists train themselves on vast amounts of copyrighted work with “no consent, no credit, and no compensation”. There are thousands of artists who have learned to ape other artists styles, and based

If it's creating unique stuff not out there then they are just jealous an AI could replace their jobs

It’s adorable* that a big sale for Nintendo is slashing the price of a $60 game released in 2019 (Link’s Awakening) by a whopping $18.