
What spoiler? I think you are the one spoiling because people who haven't played it (me) wouldn't notice anything that seemed spoilery until someone like you who has played it brings attention to it.

I don’t think it’s outrageous that the company states what it’s willing to pay and the terms, or that that is their number. They clearly either don’t see one piece of art as that value, and or, have enough other artists who find it a fair price. Though why they wouldn’t just hire a few artists to do that work as staff

I feel like we’re seeing a lot of stories about artists without any context.

Get that bag girl. This just proves once again,

She’s a bikini-squat streamer.  You have to ask?

How many people at Kotaku are on the Amouranth news team?

Not all hate crimes are based in ethnicity. Even when they are, it’s not always distinguishable by a glance, such as in the case of the Irish and Rwandans. I’m not saying Squeenix shouldn’t put more color in their game, absolutely they should, but I’m seriously struggling to conceive of a dumber response than implying

Yeah that’s never happened before. Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia etc totally aren’t a thing :P. Not all racism and hate crimes are rooted in skin color.

Wow this is an uninformed article. Treating Smogon as the de facto rules adjudicators of Pokémon just exacerbates the impression that they know what they’re doing and should get to be in charge of what is “banned”. Not that GameFreak has a perfect record of balancing the game. Far from it. But at least they know what

misleading article...