
...are we really going to write entire articles now about how we somehow expected the Super Mario Movie to be anything more than just a full-length nostalgia bonanza??

Okay now I am finally starting to wonder if it’s an industry wide agreement to make this movie out to be the antichrist. I’ve seen plenty of it so far but now it seems like it’s trying to get in your face how awful this film is.

People are talking like the Super Mario movie has to be the next Citizen Kane to be good and forget that its Mario.  It was fun, enjoyable, light popcorn faire, which is all it had to be.

UPDATE 10:50pm, March 22: This post originally said Roiland plead guilty to the charges in October 2020, which is incorrect. The story has been updated to correct this, and we regret the error.”

Hope that means he can come back, would love to see more Rick & Morty/High On Life/other projects from him.

Title promises bloopers, we get 1 sort of blooper and a bunch of unrelated instagram posts. Sheesh. 


I mean.. they broadcast to countries that EXECUTE homosexuals.. what did you expect? You literally get a death sentence for being gay in a lot of the countries OSN broadcasts to.. OF COURSE they’re going to cut scenes relating to homosexuals.

Also, they already DID get away with it. And besides, what do they expect to happen, regime change? 

I get where you are coming from. But implying that 2 dudes being friendly with each other should be gay also diminishes that 2 dudes can also be open with each other and trust each other in a way that isn’t “toxic masculinity”. What I mean to say is they are best friends who care about each other. Atlus definitely

I think we need more queer relationships in games. That said, I think we also need more close non-romantic relationships between men in games and in general. So much in our society that is related to men being close to each other gets immediately called out as “gay” and then suppressed. But men need close

Why is it necessary? why force it? I am a gay man I do not need every game or media to have a character that represents me, even less when is done JUST to include it without real heart or purpose. I never saw any of them as being gay, and never had the illusion of them being gay, they do not have a gay story, so why




Okay I think everyone is over this controversy. Like yes there’s actual issues in the real world that need to be fixed and shitty rich people doing their thing. But this stream of articles dunking on this game feels in bad taste imo. I was hopeful for this article and it did start out well but it devolved into yet

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Its always fun when a guy who's talking about immaturity starts his comment off by calling people "bitches".

#1 - Calling JK a “virulent transphobe” is a bit of an exaggeration, no? I suppose it’s subjective.

“Dummies Guide To: How Much Can We Milk the Harry Potter Controversy For Clicks”.