
My collie used to use bushes to remove his collar while he was leashed to the run. *shrug* If that’s not body awareness... I don’t know what is.

First off I just want to thank Ryan, for explaining to us that the HoLiCOW experiment is in fact, pronounced, “Holy Cow.”

Just wait until people “jailbreak” their autonomous cars to download free apps. We all know how incredibly pragmatic and sensible people are, they don’t even text while driving because they know it could kill them!

correct. the spin of any sufficiently massive celestial body has an impact on the local space-time.

Gravity Probe B was the NASA satellite that took “more than 50 years” to build to prove Einstein right.

Star light,

Theories don’t need to be proven. That’s one of those basic concepts in scientific thinking. A true scientific theory is one that is “a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed, preferably using a written,

We are on Level Trump

Sir, Nanotechnology has barely placed the tip of its toe across the property line, and its still thinking about how its going to knock on the door.

Not living around dumbasses like you and instead building a community with people ballsy enough to ride a bomb to Mars is a pretty damn good reason. I’d probably sign up today if they were up and running for that reason alone. Pity I’ll likely be too old by the time it is operational.

Dang, as an epileptic, I’m a little nervous, and I am definitely going to grab one of these out of paranoia. Damn

What’s with the rampant amphiphobia? Notice in the video how the salamander was “lurking” in a cave like some evil entity bent on murder and chaos? Why not any one of number of other less evocative verbs like “living” in the cave, or equally evocative but less nefarious verbs like “chilling” in the cave? Or better yet

It’s simple, really. We have no idea what makes up the majority of the universe because we can’t find it, right? Well, the reason we can’t find it is because, it doesn’t really exist. Let me explain.

This is my favourite movie.