
I’d rather visit Europa on foot and I’d see Jupiter from a safe place! :P

All these questions have answers and will be answered. The thing is, any answer is correct for a limited amount of time.

1.Why is there something rather than nothing?
Because something can be created/imagined/visualised/destroyed/manipulated and nothing cannot.

2.Is our universe real?
It is relative from which point we

You should also check Collide if you like adrenaline movies. :)

Saying mother fuckers decreases your credibility. Also, dark matter are atoms that we can’t identify and they also don’t interact with light. Anyway, dark matter is like water for us as a civilization. :D

There is no revolution. Only hard working years. ;)

The word quantum will save us all :)) What is quantum?

It’s all about perspective. The more we multiply as humans, Earth will seem smaller, but it’s not true, therefore space is not shrinking or expanding... Space is relative.

I would do it because why not. The same reason why I wake up every morning and get out of bed. Our lives are all useless, but then again, we, humans, give meaning to life. ;)

I’m sure we will find planets that are habitable, but not by humans because the bacteria over there is different and we won’t survive. What are we, as humans going to do about that?

Also, there’s this hype right now to move to another planet because of our sun will die in a billion years. Why are we so desperate to

Not all people put passwords on their phones because when we loose/have the phone/stolen it can be easily broken and all the data inside the phone is trackable anyway... and most of us have nothing to hide anyway... :)

Very detailed reply. Nice! Off-topic, when will people try to stop saying string theory does not exist? When will people realize that Einstein told the truth?

I think this is the closest thing to the real thing yet, but still, far far away from the actual thing. ;) Bravo!

This is why you won’t understand Einstein mind. Before trying to prove him wrong, try to prove him right. If you prove against him, it means he was wrong. It is wrong. He was right and wrong at the same time.

Let it make it simple. If you can calculate and measure something, it is not absolute. If you can measure the

Rubik’s cube face. :) Each tree is a square.

Don’t be afraid to fail, keep trying :)

High Quality solution! :)

Happy me! :D

Well said! :)

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If you haven't seen this movie then do it! You won't regret it! ;)