
The only way to go faster than light, to go from a point A to a point B faster than light then, is to teleport there. Because of the laws of physics, we can't go beyond the speed of light because to get there, it would mean to use more energy than there is in the universe, which is impossible. It's like eating 3

He wasn't all wrong, he was just not close enough to the truth. His laws work on specific conditions, just like a lot of laws. Finding a law that works throughout the universe is complex because of the number of parameters. He had some, just not all.

I mostly agree, except for the expanding thing. The universe itself as a place doesn't really expand, it's just empty. The mass of the universe, what it contains we could say, moves. The idea of a border of the universe is then absurd since it's infinite and doesn't have a shape, it's just empty until mass gets there,

It's actually impossible to go BACK in time, only forward. Time is known to be a single-oriented dimension which goes in one direction, forward. The only way time travel is possible is through portals known as Wormholes that can "teleport" you in space and time. The thing is you never know where and when you'll be and

That's just a start, the yet-not-complete equation is actually E = (mc^2)/(1-[V^2/c^2]), V being the speed and c the speed of light. So if V=C, #div0! Therefore, impossible to go beyond speed of light.

Same, but I am.

Is the code on the egg from Donkey Kong Country or it's just me?


My laptop is the machine I'm using, and yes I am aware of these solutions. What I'm saying is I'm having an hard time trying to find a VGA to RCA or VGA to S-Video converter/cable in any retail store. I know about the emulation thing, but the problem isn't the quality of the image, I just don't feel like buying a new

To play games on TV, mostly retrogaming and play movies. So quality is not less than it was in the first place.

I do know that, but I just can digest there's not even one model out there that's easy for them to keep in stock. Gush.

Anybody still using analog Yellow-White-Red? I'd really like to find a way to convert VGA to this... Why isn't there a converter box that's easy to get from future shop or something? Why?

Once you're in, you can't get out.

Am I wrong by saying this is not the a phone, but just the speaker and the mic?

You 1uped me.

Transitional? To a desktopless environment? That is a very dangerous statement my friend!

Fences plz?

That version is not intended for upgrade, it's for the new generation of upcoming devices.

Dentist: "Would you like the bulletproof option sir?"