
It's a typo, I meant AFA (as far as). Sorry about that. And to reply to your comment, seeming behind depends from what point of view, they are bleeding edge on many other areas which I think are a lot more important than streaming. They probably prioritized things other companies didn't instead, so I'm not sure

It's not a feature worth much points ASA prioritization goes, it's a free feature to which many alternatives already exist. It comes in as a "nice addition", but it's not something I would've pushed years ago. I think Valve didn't miss on much by not having implemented it earlier.

Wrong, this isn't a converter. It needs your video card to do the conversion and then feed the signal through VGA. You need a digital to analog converter, this is just wire.

VGA is digital, so a converter is needed, and those aren't cheap unfortunately.

Mmmm. Irony. Bahhhh

Would it be possible to watch two tv shows at the same time by mixing the pixels of the two sources such that one pixel on two is from one of the sources? Of course, it is theoretically possible, but would it be viable? For the sound, there's the headphone splitting, but for image would it be better to have that

Did I just pictured an online Walmart in my head?

Of course! That is my plan in fact.

You need Quicktime? I am amazed.

Blackout is definitely a problem... But I like the concept!

The complexity of it won't though. But as computer engineer student , I can't think of anything else than coding a program to do the data extraction from the images to a graph instead of having people doing this by hand... Would be a nice project! And even if the error rate would maybe be higher, it might just

I bet it was referring to the three circles that made the bird's body. The head, the back of the bird and its belly.

Yes, it can. Call it empty set (denoted ∅)

That's because you see the universe as being "in" something. In fact, as the universe expands, space is "generated" (really NOT a good word, but I can't think of anything else...)

I see it this way:

My only bug: The IPad needs better responsiveness if it expects to be a potable drawing tool.

Hesitating between the sonic screwdriver and the lightsaber...

I saw that thing on Dragons Den: It was received as the stupidest invention ever.

I might just try it, what do I have to lose?

strings, nice. ^^'