
Well look at that, a Leap Motion that delivers.

It's a typo, I meant AFA (as far as). Sorry about that. And to reply to your comment, seeming behind depends from what point of view, they are bleeding edge on many other areas which I think are a lot more important than streaming. They probably prioritized things other companies didn't instead, so I'm not sure

It's not a feature worth much points ASA prioritization goes, it's a free feature to which many alternatives already exist. It comes in as a "nice addition", but it's not something I would've pushed years ago. I think Valve didn't miss on much by not having implemented it earlier.

For Arduino keep in mind you'll need a voltage converter (a small all-made board runs for 5$). I used it for a small client-server application on which we put the server on. It's good to run code, but definitly not to write it in a IDE (256mb is way too small, it'll swap quite a bit). Essentially simple web

I feel ya. This is taking a dangerously bad direction, ruins the intelligence behind it.

I disagree, used both and I prefer Gimp, and I don't just doodle and apply filters. Photoshop has more advanced features (as you would expect from a 1k licenced software), that's true, but still most of infographic works are as easy to do in Gimp as in Photoshop IMO.

I'll give it a try, looks promising!

Know that it works for local network as well, which is great to control every system in your home/office from one machine, let's say a laptop. It's been the easiest and most versatile solution for me.

How is this working? Were images taken in the last few days, or people are stupidly acquiring this company's product while it cash in from advertisement opportunism?

Wrong, this isn't a converter. It needs your video card to do the conversion and then feed the signal through VGA. You need a digital to analog converter, this is just wire.

VGA is digital, so a converter is needed, and those aren't cheap unfortunately.

Right that's exactly what I was refering to. It doesn't matter much for the direction, demagnetizing a hard drive simply wipes the data by making all the bits identical (of course not ALL, but enough to make it corrupted and eventually unbootable). It wouldn't destroy it, but depending on the magnet it could bend the

You want to know what's really bad? Having a guy wipe off his computer with similar code under Windows, and then make him believe that the only way to get his data back is by passing a bug magnet 20 times IN THE SAME DIRECTION over his hard drive.

You can't, it'll certainly damage the surface. This isn't new BTW my friend had an sample of such surface in his science exposition project four years ago.

I believe what you are trying to say is wrongly interpreted. Photons do not have a ridiculously small mass even though they act as particles and waves at the same time. Your (incomplete since not taking the velocity into account) statement about Einstein's equation would suppose that all that's energy has mass, but

Good move Apple. Your screens enlarges to go off the perfect spot you took years to determine, your graphics get oh-so uglier and you're trading good design for eye-candy gimmicks. Take my money, please. *feel the irony*

Mmmm. The only thing I can't grasp is that they're trying to actually have an influence, yet to control earthquakes? Any geologist would break in laughter reading this.

Windows shortcuts:

It's a shame you don't have Swype on iOS, it makes one hand typing faster (at least for me) than with two hands, and with less (no) typo.

How can you not think about Doctor Who when reading the article's title?