I was watching Preseason Footbaw with my six-year-old when the commentators mentioned the Browns:
Also, the word “Snyder” is actually Greek, and means “fuckhead.”
Uh. Yeah.
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This was inevitable. Because Drumpf surrounds himself exclusively with Garbage People, each of them will turn on him as soon as it is in their best interests. Right now, it’s Omarosa, nobody’s pick for Totally Awesome Person of the Year. Soon, it will be Cohen and Manafort, then others.
Okay Weezer, KENYA help me out here? What’s your ANGOLA? I CONGO along with a tribute, but you need TOGO farther from the source material. I’m not saying the whole thing came out of your DJIBOUTI, but SOMALIA must have raised objections!
My first year as a Broncos fan, Steve DeBerg, Mark Herrmann, and Craig Morton combined for an amazing 2-7 record. I had to watch the Broncos eat shit in three Super Bowls after that, including the one vs San Francisco where some smart-ass changed all of the speed limit signs outside of town from “55" to “55-10".
I don’t get your FRAME of reference. It’s making me a BASKET case.
NEVER forget Helen Slater!
Can we please not force a female villain, or have her need any other hero’s help? What is wrong with Supergirl kicking some super-dude’s ass? And if she needs help, let it be moral support, not “cousin Kal” FFS!
The problem is, they complete ruined Lex Luthor in BvS. Luthor should have been the villain to bring the JL together. If WB can’t see that, they should just license all of the characters to Marvel and let the experts sort it out. Hell, those guys could unite the JL to fight Starro and make it look legit.
Joss Whedon has always been more suited to cast aluminum.
Introducing the new, new CEO of Wells Fargo, John Schnatter...
I don’t know if anyone has told you, but there have been some minor shifts in the upper structure of our government. Maybe you could revisit this list?
Long John Silver’s called. They said if you reserve that type of behavior for Tim Horton’s from now on, you can come back every third Thursday.
adz “that just meant a shorter ceremony.”