
I hated the first season. I found them humorless and grating. The only reason I tuned in for even a minute of the second season was because I was watching Comedy Bang Bang while cooking and couldn't get to the remote when it concluded without risking ruining the meal I had spent half an hour preparing.

I am glad I was


The next Wolverine movie details one of the longest, most physical daunting, mentally taxing battles in his long, long life.

Getting his license renewed at the DMV. After all, the Fastball Special can only get him so far.

Book 3 is awesome, front to back. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. The Red Lotus had a kickass visual aesthetic and charisma for days. The respect and admiration they shared for one another was a refreshing depiction of "villians" in a children's show. Another feather in Book 3's cap were it's amazing action

I've had "Soul Foo D" on repeat since I first heard the album. He reminds me of a less morose Sadistik.

Speaking of which, I really enjoyed Ultraviolet too.

Judging by his Twitter feed, I'd say Jayden's got a bright future in Sanitation Services or plumbing.

One of the first shots shown when Barry is taken into the clandestine chambers of S.T.A.R. Labs is a torn open cage that held Gorrila Grodd, a super-intelligent, telepathic gorilla.

Words could never express how excited I am to see him show up.

The look on his face at the end was kind of neutral.

I take it as a general rule of thumb to assume able-bodied people who pretend to be cripple are bottom-feeding bozos.

My favorite line in the episode. That was a snappy retort.

I love the idea of Matthew Fox in the gym four hours a day, seven days a week, shooting all manner of anabolic steroids in his ass in preparation for a Madea movie, only to come out the other end looking less like Schwarzenegger and more like something that should be flapping in the wind on a used car lot.

And Matthew Fox got pretty jacked for Tyler Perry's Alex Cross Saves The Day But Kills The Franchise.

Never saw that movie but judging from the trailers I wondered what happened to his skin. It was like Matthew Fox was caught in some horrible inferno, burnt up 60 percent of his flesh, needed a skin graft but decades

He really did.

It had been so long since I last witnessed Jack lost in despair that I forgot how totally heartbreaking an experience it could be.

That was one of the most tragic speeches the show has ever done. Speaking as someone who lost a loved one to Alzheimer's, it rang very true and hit too close to home. Still it was a beautifully somber moment and one last gut-punch to what has been a fantastic season of 24.

SNL should scorch the Earth and get rid of all the Featured Players. Not a memorable one in the batch.

Hell, at this point I'd be more excited if Joe Piscopo returned.

Zaheer & His Merry Band of Bender-neers

Korra, Tenzin and the new recruits all banding together to form that force gale wall against the earth-benders was a scene worthy of applause. They reacted in unison without any verbal command. How badass is that? Very, I say.

Korra acting as a leader is the only light I want to see her in.

Oh, no problem. I completely sympathize. I've only recently gone back to work after being unemployed for a month and a half and it was a terrifying experience.

I've worked pretty steady the past five years but have been unable to land a perm position in that time. I've hopped from project to project, so I know all too

Yeah, congrats! How long have you been unemployed?

Yeah, that's very rare. And refreshing. At every prison break they greeted each other warmly. They behave more like a circle of friends than a band of villains.

Kaya is the only person (so far) to make Zaheer break a sweat.

That was some sick shit.