
Mine involves Hank & Britt's vehicle colliding with Ed Norton and Brian Cox from 25th Hour. Instead of exchanging insurance information they all decide to avoid prison together and form a quartet of mystery-solving detectives like Scooby Doo.

The Brits are masters of snipe. I'm all for a Star Wars film where lightsaber battles take a backseat to verbal combat. Using The Force is no longer the Jedi's most formidable attack. It's a well placed quip that cuts to the core of one's being.

Wasn't that basically the premise of that awful Skeet Ulrich/Cuba Gooding "Radio" Junior movie?

I don't think its been officially renewed yet but it was meant to be an anthology series. Next season would feature an all new cast.

There is only one show that FX should resurrect.


Just re-watched Miller's Crossing this weekend. That brought my repeat viewing count up to five. And I'm sure I'll sit through it again in the near future.

I could watch Albert Finney Tommy-gunning the shit outta goons all day, every day.

With the exception of Jon Snow, I have more sympathy for the White Walkers than anyone else situated at The Wall. I side with the Wildlings in this fight. They have zombies up their ass. All they're looking to do is survive.

Reek….would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.

I read that to the tune of Bon Jovi.

Shot above the heart, but you're too late, Ygritte's catchphrase, gives me a headache.

Giants riding Mammoths!

Outside of Game of Thrones I wouldn't consider myself a fantasy fan in the least but watching Giants in action made me giddy with glee. I would not object to the show drawing a little focus on one of their rank.

It filled me with joy because I now know I'll never have to hear that shit ever again.

Peyton Reed's resume is pretty bland. If Bring It On & Yes Man are his greatest claims to fame than Ant-man has got bigger problems than the Edgar Wright backlash. He's the Olestra of film direction.

I've lost count of all the times I've been swept up in a speeding trucker's wake and had to whip the wheel to keep from becoming a skidmark. That's why I keep a kung fu grip on the steering wheel and give freight trucks a wide berth. Another less on 610 will get you killed.


Kidding. Just got done reading Saga: Volume 3 and couldn't help myself. You can't get onto any highway in Houston without jumping outta the way of countless freight trucks barreling down the road like they're in a fucking Mad Max film. It's insane that so many drivers treat ten ton death machines like go-carts

The Ortolan Bunting scene was more homoerotic than watching one man suck another man's cock.

To be fair the show has yet to explicitly depict Chilton's death.

Love Mads and his infernal performance but hate the character. I want to see Hannibal brutally beaten before being thrown behind bars.

I reserve all my love for Will and his dogs.

Exactly! Everything we've mentioned could've been summed up in a two minute sequence. Up until her death I really liked Beverly and the agency she took in bucking popular opinion and believing that Will was innocent.

All it took was one more step in having her practice precaution to really nail that this is a truly

No half measures, as Mike Ehrmantraut would say.

As much as I adore Mads as Hannibal, I don't want to watch the show without Will Graham. For me, Hugh is the glue that holds the whole project together. While Mads is the show's best and most charismatic character, it's Will who is the heart and soul. He is the reason why the show isn't simply another exhausting