
With this article Bryan definitely confirmed that Will survives. Everyone else is up in the air.

Personally I hope that Alana survives because I can't get enough of Caroline Dhavernas. Even with her reduced and questionable role this season I still find her a wonderful actress and one of the most beautiful actors on a

Beverly was portrayed as a fairly intelligent woman. It was ridiculous that after Will's incessant warnings about staying clear of Hannibal that she would break into his fucking house without giving the slightest indication to Jack that she had reasonable doubts about Lecter being an upstanding, law-abiding citizen.


She is short-sighted as hell. How much more evidence do you need before you're willing to step outside of yourself and question pre-conceived notions? Jeez.

Oh I dare. In fact, I'll do more than dare. I will proudly proclaim that, that boring, pedantic clown can kiss my big black ass.

Last time I came down with a wicked case of insomnia I put on his podcast and within 30 seconds it completely remedied my condition. I have found more original thoughts and deeper insight in

Nah, he's dumb. A big fat fucking dummy with a chortle capable of making the Dalai Lama turn violent.

You ever hear Duncan Trussell and Joe Rogan have a conversation about philosophy? Three minutes of that shit will have you praying for The Joker to show you his pencil trick.

Watch The Shield right away. I feel the same way you do about Mad Men and I'm in my mid-thirties. I can watch Beat Takeshi movies all day, so slow doesn't bother me, it's just that I too have no interest in the premise regardless of the universal acclaim. Spent three seasons with Sons of Anarchy and regretted the time

That he does! The only show out of all that Sinjun mentions I feel is better than Hannibal is Game of Thrones. It's also four seasons deep. Give Hannibal two more seasons and I'd bet money they run neck in neck in the quality department.

I liked the first season but this second one has been nothing less than fantastic.

Hell yeah!! I was bummed that I had to wait an extra week before Oberyn fought The Mountain until I remembered that Hannibal, Orphan Black and Penny Dreadful would be around to help ease the pain.

Never thought there would be a time when I preferred television over film but there really has been a ridiculous amount of

That sucks! I made plans to watch Days of Future Past tonight with family but I might have to put that off until Saturday because I forgot that Hannibal was ending tonight. I feel your pain.

Or lashing out at poor Martha every time the wind changes direction.

I've been enjoying watching him plumb the depths. Especially after the pain he caused his wonderful family. Cheating spouse, absentee father and murderer.

Stan Beeman, model citizen.

Beeman can eat shit. I lost sympathy for him after he murdered Vlad in cold blood. He could've at least let the kid finish that burger before he shot him.

I have been indifferent toward Chumph until this episode. There was a great range of emotions in Glenn's performance. First obliviousness to Malvo's intentions, confusion after returning to his senses, dread as he became aware that he was fucked before finally giving in to utter terror.

As Malvo got the final update

Glenn Howerton does have a gift for getting ventilated. He got his brains blown out in Crank too.

Who do you think screams more? Characters on DBZ or horny nerds watching Sailor Moon?

After his conversation with Jaime, gotta figure he gives approximately zero fucks about Shae.

I can't wait to see what becomes of Lysa's nasty little shit son. I'm guessing he will become Littlefinger's slapping post.

I never thought I would feel sympathy for The Hound but damn if that speech wasn't sad as hell. That might've been the first time I've seen him as more than just a murderous bastard.

Between GOT and Orphan Black this has been a banner weekend for scenes with warrior men submitting to the sexual demands of powerful women.