
His battle with The Mountain is going to be EPIC!

I only wish The Hound could be there to watch his brother get his just desserts.

Oberyn has me convinced that the people of Dorne are the most noble in all of Westeros. They are kind to bastards, have higher regard for women and don't look down on the handicapped.

I would've asked for some sort of compensation for sitting politely through that shit. That's much worst than finding hair in your soup.

"Your mother sucks cocks in Hell!"

Also from The Exorcist.

Immediately following that last bit of dialogue The Original started jumping up and down on Proteus, stomping him to mush like a petulant brat.

Fops are usually portrayed as comic foils. More cartoon than living, breathing people. While Ferdinand is funny, he doesn't fall into parody. I am really enjoying his performance.

If any creature in existence should be profane, it should be a demon. Or whatever vile creation it was that possessed her.

That was heartbreaking. Such a gentle soul getting brutally torn apart was hard to watch. Yet the Frankenstein's Monster reveal was totally badass.

I love it when shows do an expert job of playing with my emotions.

I felt that way about True Detective. Although the showrunners earned my trust that the next season will be maintain such high quality.

He certainly knows how to make an entrance. Just because he's a monster doesn't mean he isn't keen on theatrics.

Loved everything about the seance and Ferdinand's hilarious reaction to it in the following scene with Sir Malcolm.

Well, I'm not asking her back. My wife…mortified.

Transformers and Sucker Punch is why I have a hard time distinguishing the two. Both "movies" are totally devoid of story and utterly reliable on visuals that are dubious to anyone with more than a fifth grade education.

I agree. I think Yack Synder is a fucking moron. I see absolutely no difference between him and Michael Bay.

Fair enough. I've read the graphic novel twice and felt that Jackie both appeared and behaved precisely like his comic incarnation. Not that it made Watchmen a good movie. It didn't but I thought Rorschach was portrayed well.

Let's tar and feather the motherfucker, post haste!

After the beating you took last week I would like to extend to you my sincere congrats on coming up with an article title that is interesting and impossible to be misconstrued as a spoiler.

In this case I was grateful for the darkness. It was horrific enough shrouded in shadow. It was left to my imagination, which is much more terrifying than any hollywood makeup. Bathed in full light could've run the risk of coming off comical and losing much of the power that the darkness provided.

It was handled

Sounds like Fuller is really into incorporating her into the next season. Judging from all the favorable comments, the audience would be way into it too.

Make it happen!

You didn't like Rorschach? I thought Jackie Earle Haley and JDM were excellent.

I'm with you on everything else. Didn't care for it.

It's like Puffy used to say, "Mo Blood, Less Problems".