
As a representative of the metal community, I’d just like to say that we do not approve of this creature or his shit music. I don’t know what his fanbase is made up of, but he is not one of us. Throw him to the wolves.

But the sex during commercial breaks! So awesome! /obvioussarcasm

Yet no one defended me when I stood for masculinity and God’s design for sexuality

Mommy culture is fucking disgusting. I don’t even understand what it accomplishes - you are truly the Most Mom because you had a natural water birth and your kid can’t even pronounce the word “sugar?” Good for you but it’s not like this is a video game where you get a high score for how Mom you are. You want to feed

My parents had to come to this very conclusion on their own. My cat is my only child and the fertility ship has long sailed away.

Snagged this from FB last week. Good thing my mom laughed when I texted it to her. I think they’ve finally given up on me. Yay!

Yes, I AM a monster; just ask my seven year old, who hasn’t been allowed to wear her new cowboy boots to school because it’s been icy up here in the north and those boots are hella slippery on the bottom.

Also see: doggos. 

Soooo many reasons to take digs at Tori Spelling but this ain’t it.

Moms have it so tough out there. Can’t even make a post about muffins without people flying into a rage. Bless. And people keep asking me when I’m going to start having them.

People who say “kiddos” are pure monsters.

This is awesome and she wears it well.

Right? I saw that photo and thought, “Welp, shut it allllllllllll down. We’re done.”

He looks like a majestic centaur. Absolutely glorious. 

Billy Porter has already won the night.   

This is some NXIVM level shit. 

It’s always the sick pervs like this who scream the loudest about how awful “The Gays” are. Physician, heal thyself.

It certainly raises the question: why did he lose his contract with Fox News? Could it be that they’d been paying off similar claims for his behavior on their premises over the years (as with O’Reilly et al)?

including claims by one former patient that he forced her to perform oral sex during therapy sessions and beat her with his belt, and an allegation from another patient that he forced her to get his initials tattooed to demonstrate his “ownership” of her.

It was a few years in the making, but we finally took down the guy who called Michelle Obama fat. /s