
Unsurprising. Theoretically though wouldn’t a sports team be easier for the school to control since the coaching staff has access to additional sanctions like benching or kicking hazers off the team? And where scholarships are in play, the university can pull those as well. So I guess my conclusion is I would rather

I had a similar thought. And also, possibly those 23 year olds were finding it difficult to socialize outside of the university Greek system post-college. Possibly due to their borderline personality disorders and/or low level sociopathic tendencies?

Numbers like this are a big part of why people are willing to go through with the initiation process for and pay tons of money to belong to these fraternities. It’s not just the appeal of frat culture. Legacies have had it drilled into them since childhood that being in a fraternity will set them up with a really

For that reason, one of my college friends refused to participate in the hazing when it was his “turn” to torture the new pledges.  It caused his entire fraternity (the coolest, bro-iest, old-money-est one) to turn against him. They couldn’t throw him out and he wouldn’t deactivate (though at first they did

There’s probably no way to outright forbid them, but they should all be thrown off of campus and receive no university support or sanctioning, anywhere. If they want their Secret Society Sadism bullshit, then they can do it on their own dime off campus.

It means they are showing back up because they enjoy torturing people and are just doing it out of cruelty. I don’t get the whole idea, if somebody tortures me it isn’t going to make me a closer friend, it is going to make me hate them forever.

This is atrocious. And also really fucked up that so many of those arrested are on the high-end of college age (23 year olds), and 2 aren’t enrolled there, leading one to believe these are alumni showing up and making what is probably already horrible hazing that much fucking worse. I’m so sad this happened to the

What is it with the Greek system and various ice-based tortures? When I was in college, one of the sororities made their pledges go for a midnight run in their underwear, and given that our college was nearly on the Arctic Shelf, that was some seriously dangerous and stupid shit.

I want to adore Steve Coogan but he is one of those who the older he gets, the younger his partners get. I get being “young at heart” or whatever but when you’re 53 and your girlfriend is 27 I’m going to side-eye you.

This is kinda roundabout but...years ago while travelling as an assistant and dresser to an older established star I unpacked her into the best suite of an elegant old hotel in Portland Oregon. It was gorgeous, full of books and art, lovely and comfortable in every possible way. I leafed through the guestbook other

Both Kurt Russell and Jack Black have stayed at resorts that I used to work for. Kurt is very low maintenance and all around good guy. As far as celebrity guests go, he and Goldie are a piece of cake. I don’t know as much about Jack Black but my colleagues all said he was cool, a little shy but nice. That said, they

Some wardrobe symbology from his favorite denim jacket (photo below):

This is the best thing I’ve read about Ryan Adams and I am sharing it with everyone I know (and citing you, random internet person, because I am a good internet person).

Jack Black is on the short list of people (along with Jeff Bridges, Kurt Russell, etc) of whom if it ever turns out they are/were me-too guys I’m just going to quit, walk up into the mountains and starve to death or get killed by a bear or whatever

“Christ ugh igh ugh Mandy Moore ick. The thought of her sticking her tongue down that filthy hatch. I might as well go watch Hostel. Smelly ass, ick. I LOATHE that guy.”

Know who else has 5 Grammy nominations? Kid Rock. The Grammys mean less than nothing. Almost no one watches, even fewer care.

I said this yesterday, but I don’t think I could count on two hands the number of young female artists that Adams has been closely tied to either professionally or personally, only for all ties to be abruptly severed. (Sometimes their careers disappeared afterward, too.) If even a fraction of those women had similar

I knew Moore and he wouldn’t work out.

People are arguing that the guy who’s most famous for covering Taylor Swift songs is a genius?

Fuck this guy. His insipid vanilla music should should be adequate to discredit this notion of “great art from tortured men”