
Gotta add art theft to that scandal list. It’s for publicity, honest.


The Twitter detectives leading the charge on this deserve all the kudos. The gall of this author and publisher is equal parts hilarious and infuriating for those who are struggling to break into professional writing and these lot waltz along and try to buy their way to the top with the end goal being securing a movie

And the cover was copied from someone else’s painting. Because of course it was.

Yes, James Cameron, shut up.

Mmmmmyyyyyyyes. And now, you would get the same answer if you were “silly enough” to think that you could try out (with a legitimate chance of making a team) for any sport in most American high schools with no previous experience. It is totally ridiculous.

I have t say, living in NZ is great for this.

I sprained/partially dislocated both ankles within 2 weeks of each other in 7th grade. The first was a trampoline accident, the second was while landing a toe-touch jump during the cheer practice I was medically prohibited from participating in, but my coach insisted I try because we had an upcoming exhibition show. .

And often developing addictions to pain killers as the final act before they are kicked out into the cold with no education when their “usefulness” is over. Then there is the CTE risk in nearly every contact sport, with the likelihood of CTE at nearly 100% amongst athletes who played at the college level. It really

That’s a shame too. In school, I was usually just told that I “wasn’t athletic” and that I should just try to get by until my PE requirements were filled. As an adult, I took up running because I had friends that did it and Hey! It’s kinda fun! and then after doing it for a little while “Hey! I’m actually good at

I know so many people from UMich specifically who have taken classes with football players and were truly astounded by the things they didn’t know. Basic academic skills we all learned in middle school type shit. And I feel bad for them, honestly. The adults in their lives (meaning everyone from coaches to politicians

Thanks! I’m dealing. Yeah, basically wreaked me. Fully body arthritis and fibro. The lead prof was particularly hateful and mean spirited. A true bully. Something needs to change.

Does she realize this is a child? Jeez. Sure, athletes push themselves, but it is ridiculous to think that something like this could be acceptable for someone whose body isn’t even done developing yet.

They have probably seen the training sequence in Bloodsport where Jean-Claude Van Damme “learns” to do a split by being tied to a couple of bamboo trees and forcibly stretched. That’s enough real-world experience, right?

I have a friend who is defending this ALL OVER THE PLACE. She keeps writing “you want to be an athlete then you need to perform like one. Splits are required of everyone so she has no business even thinking about cheerleading.”

Agreed. That is horrible. I couldn’t even watch this - how do you see it and then defend it? As you say, disheartening.

Men and women are defending this in large numbers. It’s pretty fucking disheartening.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second - people were actually defending this? I mean, aside from being unfathomably cruel, this is a plainly stupid way to go about getting people to splits. What good is your cheer team if they’re injured so badly they can’t move their legs?

Fuck your teacher! I am so angry for you.

It’s always peoplewhove never been able to do these kinds of things that think you can just suddenly do them and stay that way. So many comments ont he buzzfeed article about this from dudes who I gaurentee have never done a split in their lives.