
jesus christ, that is horrifying. thank god he didn’t douse her in kerosene.

One person voted against the lives of thousands of people in his district while one could have saved it if she did the deed. Idk, something regarding that good for the many against the evil of 1.

She’s not a protester, she’s just a maniac who thinks that other people’s lives and safety are not important. In some ways she had a lot in common with the Congresspersons who voted for the AHCA.

Kudos. All the stars out tonight are yours...

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

This is where protesting and anger against opponents goes too far.

The Democrats need to really start pushing the point that the GOP is NOT the party of morality that they have made claims to for years. It has never been more obvious than now that the GOP demonstrates immorality in nearly everything they do. Certainly there are the one-issue anti-choice voters that will vote GOP no

Fair enough. I wish I met more Christians like you. Most of the ones in my immediate surroundings seem to have lost their minds somewhere between having too many Repulican nominees and not having one.

Of course not. By the time of the election I had weeded out most of the crazies off my fb. But there were some who crawled out of the woodwork once he won. I quickly unfriended if they postedhateful shit, but not before one jumped for joy that the school food policy was going to be gone. He was a teacher in a crappy

I have read Dune-pretty recently actually, so it’s interesting that you bring that up. You make a lot of sense.

Headline really means, “Donal Trump warns graduates not to be critics *of him.*”

Cos “religious” people hypocrites that are full of shit. Yes, I know #NotAllChristians .... but seriously, Christians especially make an art out of making themselves the victims and demonizing anything they don’t deem acceptable.

I’ll never forget the woman I met who snottily informed me “democrats don’t have any idea why they’re democrats - they’re just joiners! They just join the party bc they don’t think for themselves!” And literally, no exaggeration, one sentence later answered my question of “ok, so why are you a republican?” with an

They justify it by telling themselves that the unborn don’t have a choice when the woman has an abortion.

These people are so Goddamned stupid and evil that they can’t see the cognitive dissonance about supporting anti abortion politicians who pass policies that deny millions of low income children access to medical care, clean water and food.......FOOD FOR FUCK SAKES!!!!!

He is literally laying out the Christian blueprint - don’t think critically.

It’s because the founding elements of the American Conservative Christian movement were about racism, not religion, and nothing has changed. They’re bigots - their religion is just an excuse for the bigotry.

Of course, 45 doesn’t really give a shit about abortion. I would wager he’s paid for a few, or at least promised to pay, then left the woman with the bill.

I got divorced last summer, and I was kinda sad about not having a “normal” Thanksgiving, in 2016. Then I thought about it, and realized that the divorce was a positive if it meant that I didn’t have to sit there and listen to evangelicals (my ex-wife’s family) convince themselves that they voted for the right

Countercounterpoint: So where are the organized non-Trump Christian churches actively protesting not as individuals but as churches against the GOP and its theocratic overtones? I don’t know of any full churches or church leaders in the US denouncing anti-choice shit, anti-LGBT shit, or even Trump at all. The