Your rage is super boring, and that makes it funny to me.
Your rage is super boring, and that makes it funny to me.
Hmm. Thou seems fond of using the historically plural pronoun “you” to refer to one person. Why dost thou insist on such grammatically incorrect writing? To whom dost thou pander? Or does thou acknowledge that grammar changes over time, and maybe thou should chill the fuck out?
Wow, perhaps you should have gone with Latin or something. Welcome to English! It evolves as the speakers do! Good luck, Jack!
I’m all for equal rights, respecting everyone and generally letting anyone do whatever the fuck they want...
Keep your strap-on in your pants, buddy.
You have to declare a Safe Space (TM) before someone can violate it. Since we have you on record saying:
Well, the OP could’ve saved themselves the ensuing dragging by just saying,”I got a bit confused due to the use of “they” because I couldn’t be sure if it was referring to the band as a collective, or just the individual. I get that. But everything else was just a bullshit rant against “p.c. culture”.
I’m so tired of strict grammar mistresses. This ain’t France, we don’t have an academy who decides this shit for us officially! And singular they has been in use since the 14th century. So.
LOL, try harder.
I understood that sentence just fine. The use of they/them pronouns did not confuse me at all. Maybe the issue here is you? Just a thought.
if you honestly couldn’t follow that paragraph because it uses third-person pronouns, it might be time for a third-grade english refresher.
Fuck off. This is transphobic derailing.
You’re about two months too late with the outrage, buddy:
The Associated Press > you. Correct pronouns are not a privilege to be revoked if someone steps out of line, commits a crime, etc. Just use the right fucking pronouns and stop whining about it. Singular “they” has been in use in the English language for ages and is widely considered correct, anyhow:
lol you sound triggered, maybe reconsider your stance on trigger warnings? They could save you from a lot of future emotional turmoil.
lol at “we are currently looking for a mediator with the necessary qualifications” - pretty sure that’s called “the police”.