Melissa W

So women own exclusive rights to declare sexism?

Unless you want to come off as a douchecanoe, you might want to give that well thought out comment another look.

This is a pretty shitty response to a thoughtful comment.

It didn’t ‘survive’ the fall any more than Tony Starks brain would survive rapid deceleration landings. If drilled open the innards would have poured out quite pulpily :-0

I am dead sick and tired of 3D. It has always given me a headache from the very start. There’s so much that doesn’t translate well to 3D, especially action scenes. It’s just an incomprehensible blur to me. Huge landscape shots wind up making everything look like a tiny model. It’s not immersive, it makes me constantly

Women can both kick ass and fall in love. Just like male superheroes.