
Now THAT is the actual worst word in our language. Lover. Are there real people who say this word? "This is my lover, ___. We make love together." "Pleased to meet you." <shudder>

Don't Go Back to RockVILLE. What kind of 5-year-old attention-to-detail mistake is that??? I kid because I would commit serious crimes for the chance to hang out with Mike Mills. That dude doesn't know it, but he was one of a handful of people who taught me how to play bass.

"Couldn't I Just Tell You" is his favorite song of mine. I never get sick of it. It's such a well constructed pop tune with an analog/tube amp rock edge to it. Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs (sploosh!) do a terrific cover of it (plus "Hello It's Me", also fantastic) on Under the Covers, Vol. 2…in fact all three of

Sort of, but in my imagination, this person is openly hostile and there is no secret. Just a guy who walks around hitting jerks. He would be busy this season.

This season should have an extra cast member who isn't competing for the $1M but whose whole job is to walk around sapping contestants with a blackjack like in a '40s detective novel. Or a wiffle bat full of sand. He could just stand there, whacking Dan and giving him the middle finger. I could watch that for a

D'oh! I was writing that just before I left work so I am not surprised I flaked on that one. He's after Masta Killa.

YES. What a great, weird album (and Meth was on it a lot IIRC). 1994 was truly the year of rap!

Official This Guy's Opinion Rankings of Wu-Tang Clan Members That Nobody Asked For:

Ghost is also by far the most likely to throw random misogyny into his lyrics. Most of the other guys have had their bad moments, but Ghost is all about insulting women gratuitously. His style (to me) is also the most similar to other NYC rap styles, therefore I respect his talent but prefer to listen to other

The reward challenge entailed avoiding a sniper.

Does Joe have a flesh-eating virus on his chest?

Dan needs to keep talking to live like sharks need to keep swimming to breathe (just assume the shark thing is true because I'm too tired to Google it). Doesn't matter what he says as long as the gums are flappin'.

When women see Dan their sex organs go on vacation.

Absolutely Michael Anthony. Great call!

Yes, thank you! I found the entire episode really off-putting for this reason. Maybe the April Fool's joke was that the rest of us are poor. [cue Charlie Brown/George Michael Bluth walking with head hanging]

I don't know what I just watched, but I'm sure I'll end up watching more of it.

"a proportional response from Aslaug"
Violence is not a proportional response to words.

Well you obviously aren't peace like that. Bibbitybibbitybop.

The Cool Calm Collective was the name of a 90's rap-jazz group.*

I'm pretty sure they prefer to be called "females" — you know, like zoo animals.