We've Got A Bigger Problem Now

She’s also super bigoted, ignorant, and racist, so the name fits quite well! 

The “I’m the smart one here” mentality is so fucking frustrating. “You have to be an idiot if you can’t see that [elaborate series of bullshit] is the true way things are! CHEMTRAILS!!!!”

Well, obviously Trump isn’t JUST breaking up a sex crime ring.  That’s just what Q knows about.  Being the very stable genius he is, Trump is doing things that Q doesn’t have detailed information about.  There’s lizard people, aliens, alien lizard people, Kim Jong Un’s spin class, etc etc.

I saw a fucking car in my work parking lot with a QAnon sticker on it. Imaging being such a dipshit that you run around advertising it. (Although I guess the same goes for anyone with a god damn Trump sticker on their car)

Seriously, though, every conspiracy theorist or person who believes conspiracy theories that I’ve ever met has shared a single quality: They all think that they are more enlightened/intelligent/observant than others around them, and will often think of those who do not believe their particular conspiracy bent as

To really get into conspiracy theories you have to be willing to believe a lot of things that are absolutely at odds with objective reality.  The first, ironically, is that you are smarter than everyone else.

My encounter with a QAnon person:

I had to look this up myself. Menendez was the subject of an indictment on federal corruption charges that caused him to step down from his post as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (he was appointed in 2013, and stepped down in 2015). The trial ended in a hung jury, and all charges were dropped shortly

Honestly, I’d be willing to consider vetted, significant evidence indicating the government knew or suspected that something like 9/11 was about to happen, and didn’t do enough to stop it—but that’s about as far as I’d go.

The whole “jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams” thing misses several realities about both the

“When every facet of objective reality is telling you that your support for a sitting POTUS is support for a racist, misogynist, barely-literate grifter (and potentially compromised foreign asset) conducting his shady shit right out in the open, I suppose you have to turn to absurdism to endure the crushing weight of

Menendez is undoubtedly corrupt and shouldn’t be in the senate. The NY Post wouldn’t even run the underage prostitute stuff. But sure, this justifies a rep being a Qanon believer. Well played.

Meanwhile, actual Pedo ringmaster Jeffrey Epstein gets the equivalent of a slap on the wrist.

 Tomatoface is on vacation? Who the fuck knows. 

When every facet of objective reality is telling you that your support for a sitting POTUS is support for a racist, misogynist, barely-literate grifter (and potentially compromised foreign asset) conducting his shady shit right out in the open, I suppose you have to turn to absurdism to endure the crushing weight of

“I think our government and society is incredibly corrupt so most people don’t know how to deal with it so they ignore reality.”

Forget QAnon, someone explain to me why BarackaObama was allowed out of the greys?

Scarily, framing politcal opponents of pedophilia is in the real world a standard Putin tactic for holding onto power in Russia. One minute your criticizing Putin, the next thugs break into your apartment arrest you, and "find child pornography" on your laptop. Then it's straight to the Gulags with you, comrade.

I think it’s important to track this as it becomes increasingly mainstream!

Her parents, presumably at least one being of German ancestry, have a daughter in 1988, before the fall of the Berlin wall, and they name her STASSI?

Traumatic nipple hair moment: I have them. I thought everyone did? At a college job guys were talking about gross moments in sex and one guy was like “Oh once I slept with this girl who had nipple hairs!” and the other two guys were like “oh gross!” and made gagging noises. He said something like “So fucking gross”