We've Got A Bigger Problem Now

Think about it... if President Obama hadn’t picked on him way back in 2012 at a media dinner, Donald Trump never runs for President.

Hearing this will be the last edition of the series has me reaching depths of sadness I didn’t know were reachable.

They dismissed Trump admitting to sexual assault as being “locker room talk”. They defended Roy Moore. They cheered on Brett Kavanaugh. When it came out that Ivana had claimed that Donny raped her, Michael Cohen claimed that a man cannot rape his wife.

One of my favorite jokes from a comedian:

It’s true, I am kind of uptight about not condoning sex with children.

“Have you ever seen AOC drink a glass of water?”

You left off part of his quote about women. Here is it in its entirety:

It says something when a guy who intentionally goes by “Bubba the Love Sponge” isn’t the most disgusting person in a conversation.

A melanistic jaguar.

Now playing

Jaguars make their living eating caimans and have a stronger bite than tigers or lions. That cat was probably waiting like “I wish a motherfucker would.” This is the SECOND time a jackass entered the jaguar enclosure at Wildlife World and caught paws. Some humans are begging to be a part of the food chain.

Stephanie Flowers is a perfect example of why downballot races matter so much. City councils and statehouses are where we can shut down bad policy in the womb and put a real check on power. I wish everyone watching that video would find one local race to pay attention to and a local candidate to support. These are the

“What the hell you gonna do? Shoot me?”

Unlike most contractors who worked for Trump, Yang quickly learned to get paid beforehand.

The white reggae band with two black guys on guitar (including the front man), a Puerto Rican, and two other guys (who were, indeed, white)? That diverse, multicultural band that looks like America and sang about peace?

Given how receptive Trump’s troglodytes are to all the times he says “shit” or “motherfuckers” or whatever other curse word, I’m wondering what would happen if Bernie were to actually do that...? How would the media react, given they don’t give a shit about Trump doing it?

I'm confused. Which one is Jesse and which ones are Trump children?