Harrison Ford seems pretty decent.
Harrison Ford seems pretty decent.
Maybe he learned 5D chess from his orange confidant?
Jimmy Haslam is cutting it off, reportedly because he’s upset about a story ESPN published a few weeks ago
Looks like the Ravens were able to make a potential quarterback controversy vanish into thin air.
Well put. My teen daughter is struggling with depression right now; it breaks my heart to see all the young people in the waiting room at her doctor’s office (who treats only ages 2-26). THIS is the world they’re inheriting from us. But to your point about Bieber, it’s beyond the pale to see kids doing the work of…
There is still such stigmas for men seeking treatment for depression or going to counseling. Good for him for doing this and I hope he can be a role model.
Depression is SO HARD. It is SO MUCH WORK. It’s like everyone else is just jogging along on the treadmill in their cute little outfits, watching The Bachelor, and you’re running a marathon in mud up to your knees with shoes made of cement in the freezing cold pouring rain.
Players want the security of longer years. It’s fine. They have a limited time to make their money, and when we look at the amount of money the teams are taking in, somebody should be getting paid. The bullshit excuse is “Why don’t we just give it to the younger players.” I’m fine with that. But they aren’t doing…
1) I don’t know that they actually would. Who has said that? What evidence do you have that teams wouldn’t just say “Yeah, they’re great, but I could save $34MM by just farming out some kid from the triple A squad. And if we’re not as good...well, I’m still making money.”
I promise you if Harper and Machado asked for 4 years $35m they’d get it.
He’s a left handed power hitter, who has put up two seasons of over 1.000 OPS. Put him in Yankee Stadium for a decade with Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton protecting him in the lineup and see what he produces.
To be honest, I’m of the mindset that Harper/Machado have remained unsigned because both agents promised each guy they are gonna get more money. And you aren’t going to be the player that gets more money if you sign first. So basically it’s a game of chicken between two agents. Just my thoughts.
I saw someone suggest something like this in one of Keith Law’s chats and Law’s response was pretty much that both management and agents are strongly opposed to this. Teams love the fact that young talent is extremely cheap and don’t want to pay market rates voluntarily. Agents don’t want to give back money on the…
The owners are making more money than ever and MLB revenue has been increasing for well over a decade, and yet player salaries have not kept pace. If you dont see that as a problem, you are blind. Owners dont want to pay for shit, just like most employers these days because they would rather hoard all the money…
It doesn’t help that they players are led by a baseball lifer who seems not to be a very shrewd negotiator. Baseball is plenty profitable, so it’s not as though there’s no money that could go to the players, they just need to make sure the system has the right incentives for them to get a larger share of that money.
that is a bold face lie. Jeters contract worked out, so did Arods first 10 year contract.... and that’s just of the top of my head....
A-Rod’s first 10 year deal was fine. It was a lot of money, but he was playing at an MVP throughout the deal. Jeter’s 10 year deal worked out pretty well as well.
Seems like performance bonuses would help too. If a player breaks the mould and performs at a really high level in their mid to late 30's, they still get the big payday and ownership doesn’t have to worry about having a Pujols-like player getting paid crazy money for a .289 OBP.
Hats off to Verlander.